
Say I'm your super Buddy Pine (Incredibles fanfic)

Buddy pine / syndrome (the incredibles)x Sophia (oc)



"hey Soph ," He muttered. Her eyes were trained directly at his board  chest as she tried to think of a way to steady her breathing. She could feel the apples of her cheeks starting to prickle in heat. This was not something she had expected to occur for the two of them. Her vision still felt slightly doubled and blurred .

She remembered she had yet again had to separate Bob and Buddy from each other as another heated argument occurred.


"Look Buddy ," "Bud, I've said this thousands times Old man call me Bud." Buddy had countered. He stood before the older super his arms crossed tightly across his chest. A frown deeply engraved on his face while his lower right lid twitched. His blue gaze holding Bobs gaze never wavering. Bob gave an exhausted sigh before starting again. " Bud, we don't have any choice. Think of the hundreds of thousands of people that will be hurt." Bob stated  as he pressed an aqua colored button located on the black table in front of them.

A digital green screen popped up in front of all of the people in the room. Small pictures and numbers appeared in thousands. Bob pointed up at the screen, "See if you we can place that ender device on this part of the ship. That would give us enough time to stop this fleet and maybe - " " Bob I'm going to stop you there. " Buddy interrupted . 

Bob looked as if he were going to speak again but Helen was by his side and placed a single hand on his chest . The red flamed colored haired young man walked up to the black table and placed both of his palms on table top. His smug smile gracing the group as his blue gaze landed on everyone in the room.

"The "ender device" as you put it. Which I'd prefer the term  "Termination device" but you can take your pick I guess." He stated earning a sigh from Bob of irritation. Another super stepped up to the table slamming his gloved white hands on the table top a small frost film developed. "Look do you like to just hear yourself talk flame head," Frozone quickly stated a cool breeze swept across the room. 

The other supers around the table agreed with small murmurs. Sophia stood at the side of Helen watching Buddy again starting unnecessary arguments. They had talked just before walking into this meeting. She thought he had agreed he would be more well behaved. Buddy chuckled bringing his arms across his chest. 

" Look on a serious note if we placed my device on this ship it would do as you said stop the fleet but what of the other people. Don't forget the other boring people on those ships. " Buddy argued. That was right. Those ships had in rough range 100 to 200 civilians people on each ship. 

The silence of the room was deafening. " We have to think of the thousands of people in each city and town that would die.," Bob stated quickly answering what others wouldn't dare state. '' So, just screw the normies? That's a little dark for you supers." Bud commented earning another around of murmurs to began again in the room.

Bob made his way quickly around the table grabbing Buddy from his gray turtle neck. Lifting him up at least a foot from the floor. "Buddy!" Sophia gasped in alarm at the sudden speed of the super. She nearly tripped over her feet towards the pair. Buddy still held bobs gaze his expression never changed. His arms were still crossed tightly across his chest as Bobs single fist held tightly to his shirt. 

"How about you come up with a plan! Aren't you the one that killed off almost all of the the supers? Maybe if you hadn't we wouldn't be in this mess!" He argued. That set off the whole room into a uproar. Helen came by bobs side quickly talking to him trying to calm him down. Buddy fell from his grasp hitting the floor with his bottom giving out a groan of pain. Sophia kneeled by him placing her hands on his forearm.

"Buddy, I thought you promised you wouldn't act like this here." She whispered quickly as she helped him up from the floor. He gave her a stern look before shrugging her off. His hair was in a slight disarray  as he used his fingers to comb the hair it back in place.  He straighten his shirt before heading towards the double door. She followed close behind him but not before giving a glance back over her shoulder to the supers. All of them stood about the room faces holding that of pure sorrow.

"I'm going to that damn bar downstairs." Buddy commented over his shoulder. Sophia didn't respond back as she followed closely behind him. 

They entered the bar through the doubled glass doors. Their foot steps being the only sound that was being made in this empty lobby.  Buddy made his way to the bar sitting on the bar stool he ordered a margarita. The bar tender gave him a look of irritation at the rude order and went to the task of making the drink. 

His gaze was focused so strongly on the the prepared drink in front of him. "Pfft what does that damned super know anyway. "He mumbled as he traced the glasses salted rim with his pointer finger. His blue gaze narrowed as he brought the palm of his hand harshly against the bars table top. 

"Can't they just let it go?" He is statement was as if he was talking about something small and less then nothing.  Sophia knew not to answer his question he spoke out. She slide onto the bar stool that was just separated by a single stool. 

"What no drink for you?" He sneered. Before she could respond he waved his hand. "Bar tender another round of the mango margaritas." He demanded quickly before Sophia could object. His narrowed gaze settled on her finally acknowledging her. 

"You know your friends are such dicks." He stated fatly with a raised brow. She knew what he was doing and she wasn't playing into his game. The hurt was there in his blue gaze. The thought of "normie" people dying seemed to have triggered him. She brought her brown gaze from his to the bar tender giving a simple Thank you before taking a small sip. The drink burned her throat slightly but the after taste of mango was welcoming. 

"I mean they are your friends right? Oh wait," Bubby tipped his head back placing the rim of the glass by his mouth and downing the whole drink. He let out a sigh of happiness before bringing his attention back to her. "That's right how could they be your friends. Didn't they have you-" "Stop it!" Sophia snapped. 

Maybe she should have just let Buddy arrive here by himself. She didn't need to be degraded by him because he become oversensitive to what Bob had told him. "Well finally you fight back."  He retorted as he again downed another drink. Sophia took a sip of her drink as she watched the flamed headed young man carefully. The drink itself made her mind slightly fuzzy but not enough to be called "buzzed out".

Buddy exhaled shakily as he placed his third drink back on the bars table top. She reached out carefully with her hand wanting to touch his arm. "Buddy, I think maybe you've had enough." Sophia whispered carefully. He gaze fell to her again this time his eyelids were partly opened . There was a red hue floating across his nose making his pale skin appear more of a ghostly color. 

His gaze shifted down to her hands and back to her face. "Drink up." He 

shouted. She nearly jumped out of the chair at his response. "Um Buddy I think you need to lower your voice." She tried to convey a stern voice but it was hard when he was looking at her like that. Buddy brought his hand up swaying slightly in his seat. "Give her another one." He drawled. The bar tender gave Sophia a raised brow before turning away completely ignoring him. 

Buddy nearly feel over off the bar stool as he transferred himself  to the bar stool close to Sophia. She could feel the prickle of embarrassment climbing up her body as goosebumps seemed to  dance along her arms an legs. He was acting like a complete fool which wasn't like him at all. "Buddy maybe we should take our business upstairs." She  voiced. He brought an open palm to his cheek leaning into it as his half lidded gaze focused on her. "N-Not before you finish your drink." He retorted. Buddy was at least a good 200 pounds and she knew no one at the hero society meeting wanted to deal with him. He knew she couldn't just move him a side. 

She drew in a deep breathe before bringing her head back and the tip of the glass rim to her lips. The cold substance slipped past her lips and down her throat. The stinging sensation was carefully being replaced as she chugged it down with the sweetness of the mango. Slamming the glass back on the table she brought an open palm to her forehead. Her mind was drifting slowly and her visual perception was slowly starting to blur and double. "Oh boy this isn't good." She blabbered out. 


And then some how they ended up in the dark alley way of the hotel facing each other..

Drinking that single tall glass of mango flavored margarita probably wasn't the best , being that she was in the presence of an arms dealer,super killer,murder,etc. "Um, I , uh buddy" she finally responded as she slide her hands on his chest. The warmth beneath her palms made her want to bury her face right into him.  His lips is what she noticed perked out as if he were going to blow dust off of her was zoning in on her.

The smell of the drinks lingering between the two made her instantly turn her face from his and she could his lips kiss her cheek. " Gosh darn. You're gon-gonna be a little hard to get uh little lady?" He asked breathlessly swaying slightly to the left. He brought a palm besides her head caging her in with him. "That's not it. I- I uh just wanna" Her gaze shifted slightly away from him as her mind started to become blank.

" I don't think I remembered what I was gonna say" she admitted with a slight giggle escaping her lips. She brought her gaze slowly back to the flamed haired man in front of her. He had a sweet simple grin on his face that showed that ever adorable buck teeth. And it was that dust of red freckles that just swiped across his face that made him look like such a regular normie.

It was hard to believe hiding behind all that innocence was a trapped power hungry man that would do anything for it. His blue gaze shifted right to left trying to focus on her but failing terribly.

She felt her head tilt in question and before she could ask him why he was starring at her like that , warmth engulfed her lips. It felt like she was molding clay with her lips smashed so hard against his . She felt the need to place both of her hands on his board shoulders. "Bud," she moaned softly. A groan from buddy answered as he leaned more into her. His chest pressed into her pinning her onto the brick wall .

She could feel his fingers touching ,gripping while they traveled down her sides as they slowly traced her bottom and hooked themselves behind her knees. His lips left hers and started to plant themselves down her neck moving past her turtle neck.

"Bu-BUDDY!" She gasped out loud as she was lifted up and held by buddy against the brick wall. His lips never leaving her neck. The wetness and massage of his lips working along her neck  made her want to melt into a puddle in the spot.

He carefully pushed himself snuggly between her thighs as his hands finally left her knee caps and cupped her bottom. Her face instantly blew up in warmth as she felt the pressing matter resting on her inner thigh. The heat she could feel coming from his throbbing member made her feel so breathless. The palms of his hands kneading her bottom , his lips and tongue massaging her neck what else could complete this night.

He let out a throaty groan as he rotated his hips into a clockwise motion. It felt like a tingle run up her spine as he continued grinding his hips into her making his way closer to her greatest treasure. She let her legs fall open feeling his throbbing member graze her private jewel ! Her hands instantly gripped his back letting out a throaty groan in response. She buried her face into his neck as he kept bucking his hips into her.

" oh Sophia your a damn good cow g-girl" he breathe into her neck. She felt goose bumps raise up at the comment. Why would he even say that? This was beyond stupid! Not more than 10ft was the council supers meeting and here they were acting like teens on prom night. Great now the drinks were starting to wear off.  He shifted her weight into one cupped hand.

She could feel her shirt being tugged and moved upwards. Feeling a cool breeze brush by her stomach she bucked her hips into him. Buddy let out a groan of pleasure as he kept untucking her shirt. "bud no not here." She pleaded. Was he really going to try to have sex of all places here . She heard a chuckle in that response. His chest lifting slightly off of her as he brought his firm palm first on her right breast.

Sophia let out a small gasp as Buddy's warm palm grasped her breast kneading it gently and allowing her nipple to be squeezed in-between his pointer and middle finger. Buddy rotated his hips again making her let out a loud gasp.

" Buddy!" She cried out as he continued his attack of working those firm hips of his into hers. The sweet release like a tied roped knot was starting to untie itself. " Buddy, p-please stop.. I'm going to end up-" He stopped all movement and slowly brought his face to hers. His gleaming blue gaze holding that of naughty gleam. His lips curved slowly up into a smirk with his eyes narrowing. All the drinks affects had long since been driven from his system. Maybe she shouldn't have told him that.

"Go ahead. I want to see that face in pure ecstasy." He whispered. Sophia didn't know just words could release her but it did. She felt that knot in the depth of her stomach release. She gripped harshly onto buddy's shoulders as she let out a gasp of surprise. Buddy gripped her bottom tightly with both hands  as he pressed himself onto her already sore jewel moving her hips up and down on his clothed member.

His mouth went directly to her nipple wrapping his lips around the tip of her petal. His tongue rolling the tip effortless around in his warm mouth. A groan escaping him " Say I'm your super. " he breathed out as he suckled her breast.

That made her want to scream out of pleasure as the waves of pleasure kept coming. " N-No " she squeaked out. He opened his mouth on her breast . His tongue rolled over the tip as his blue gaze meet hers. "Come on. Say it. Say I'm your super." He countered again his lips moving on her swollen nipple as he spoke. 

That was making her go insane he looked so damned sexy for God's sake. "Y-Your my super hero." She gasped out  finally feeling goose bumps again travel down her body at the embarrassment.

She let her bottom lip slip between her teeth as she tried to still herself from screaming and gasping anymore. She could feel liquid seep out of her and soak her underwear. Her heart was practically bouncing so hard against her chest as she rode her high of cumming so effortlessly onto buddy's clothed throbbing member.

Her body slumped into his grasp as she was breathing harshly against his shoulder. Her insides every so slightly twitched causing her to let out a small groan. " well I'll be darned didn't think I had that kind a of affect on ladies!" He boasted with a chuckle.

She jumped in surprise in still feeling his hard member on her sore sensitive private part. Buddy gave her a quick peck on her forehead before lowering her back on her feet. Her legs felt so light and shaky she would have fallen if she hadn't caught herself in time grasping the brick wall with her hands. She quickly brought her shirt down her exposed nipple hardening with cool breeze.

"Man that was something wasn't. I'd say the best you've ever had." He stated a sly grin on his face. Sophia couldn't believe that's what he wanted to her. "Don't be so bold, Buddy." She countered as she went to tuck her shirt back into her pants. " Oh come on. I had you saying I was your hero " he stated his voice low and rich. Sophia didn't even dare too look at him as the scene relayed in her mind.

Before either of them could speak another word a voice was heard behind buddy.

" hey you two there's something new that came up in the meeting I -ohhh" Sophia felt her cheeks hit up in embarrassment at the sudden voice of Helen. Buddy placed both of his palms once again one on each side of her. His form covering her from the motherly women.

" Ms. Helen uh it's not what it looks like!" Sophia squeaked out as she tried to push buddy back from her. Buddy gave her a look before that same sneaky grin grew across his face.

" oh Helen it definitely looks like what you're thinking. Tell bob oh boy that we need another 20 mins of fuuu-hey!" Sophia watched as buddy was thrown clean across the alley way into bagged trash. A thin wired arm went towards Sophia wagging a naughty finger at her.

"Sophia , Sophia I'm going to treat you as if you're my daughter. Get your bottom in here right now or you are grounded missy.'' Helen sternly voiced. This only brought further damage to her reputation it seemed as she dragged her feet across the way feeling like heated teen caught in the action.

"ugh she's 25! Not a child! !'' Buddy yelled from the trash dump he was thrown too. His blue glaze never leaving from her.

Sophia made it safely to Helen who engulfed her into a hug stating she shouldn't be hanging around the alley way .