

A boy named Shiv lived in a village.He lived with his mother and younger sister.he used to graze cattle in the forest near the mountain There was a huge tree Shiv used to beneath the tree and sing songs.He became friends with the birds there. He kept an eye on the cattle. He would come back to the village in the evening....and hand over the cattle to their

respective owners. He would get some money for grazing the cattle... throughout the day in the heat. Shiv met the household expenses with the money he earned. He took care of his mother and sister with the money He bought household essentials with the money he earned His younger sister would long for good food at times. She was bored of the simple staple food. Shiv understood what she wanted but he was helpless. He had to save money for his sister's education.

The next morning Shiv went to the forest to graze the cattle. He noticed a woodcutter cutting the tree...under which he sat and grazed the cattle. He was worried as well as sad But, he got an idea. Listen to me woodcutter. Why are you cutting this tree ?

I think you aren't aware that the witch who lives in this tree...will possess the person who cuts this tree. She'll trouble him. The woodcutter was scared and he ran away.

Run! Run! After the woodcutter went from there....the sprit of the tree appeared before him. It happily announced...you saved my life

Therefore I'm very happy. I gift you this Bell as a reward. What will I do this bell? This is not an ordinary bell. This is a magic bell you get any food you want with it. But, always remember that you can ask it for food only once in a day. Thank you, my friend. Shiv was very happy as no one would go to bed hungry any more. His younger sister would get food of her choice. When Shiv returned home in the evening. He shared the incident with his mother and sister. His mother and sister very happy. They requested the magic bell to fulfill their wish. They ordered the food of their choice, ate to their heart's content.