
Chapter 5

In the evening, Vidya and Vino are having a conversation in the garden.

VINO: Thank God that quiet senior gave me back my book. Otherwise, we would have had to run around the table.

VIDYA: Yes, did you notice the wound on his knuckles?

VINO: Yes, it could be from a motorcycle accident.

VIDYA: How do you know that his knuckle injury is from a motorcycle accident?

VINO: Well, guys are often injured due to motorcycle accidents, so I'm just guessing.

VIDYA: Hmm... Why isn't he smiling?

Vino looks at Vidya suspiciously.

VINO: If he doesn't smile, why does it bother you?

VIDYA: It's not that. He just seems really sad, as if he has lost something important in his life.

VINO: We don't know what struggles he's facing in his life. Let's observe him tomorrow.

Vidya looks at Vino and asks if they can leave. The next day at college, Nitesh and Isha are talking while walking. Suddenly, Kathir runs towards Isha and stands in front of them.

ISHA: What?

KATHIR: I want to talk to you.

ISHA: No, I don't want to talk to you! Let's go, Nitesh.

Kathir stops Isha by grabbing her arm.

KATHIR: I said I want to talk to you.

He gives Nitesh a death glare, then grabs Isha's wrist and pulls her along with him.

ISHA: Kathir, let go of my hand.

He takes Isha to a corridor.

ISHA: Let me go, Kathir. What's your problem now?

KATHIR: What's your problem? It's been five days since we stopped talking. I've apologized and messaged you sorry a thousand times, but you haven't replied to any of them.

ISHA: You'll do it again. At the end of the day, you'll apologize, and I'm supposed to accept it. Even though I've given you many chances, you still repeat the same mistakes.

KATHIR: If you've given me many chances, what's wrong with giving me another one?

ISHA: Seriously, mister? Don't waste my time. I'm leaving.

Kathir holds Isha's hand.

KATHIR: Wait, talking to me is a waste of time? Then what about Nitesh?

Isha glares at Kathir.

ISHA: What are you trying to say, Kathir? Why are you so quiet?

KATHIR: Isha, look here. You're trying to continue this fight, but I want to end it.

ISHA: Then impress me. I don't want to fight with you, Kathir, but your character upsets me every time. You lack responsibility, care, and the qualities that I desire.

KATHIR: So, did I have all those qualities before?

ISHA: Shut up! I'm leaving.

KATHIR: So you don't want to talk to me?

ISHA: No, I don't.

KATHIR: Hey, I'm sorry. Please forgive me this time.

ISHA: I'm sorry, it's not enough, Kathir.

KATHIR: Then what do I have to do for you to forgive me?

ISHA: Don't ask me what to do. Think and figure it out yourself.

Isha walks away, leaving Kathir standing there with a confused expression. At that moment, Nitesh notices Isha passing by with a smile on her face and calls out to her.

NITESH: Isha, my bag is in the classroom. Can you get it for me?

ISHA: Okay, Nitesh.

Isha goes to the classroom, while Nitesh approaches Kathir in the corridor. Kathir notices Nitesh.

NITESH: Looks like you convinced her? If you hurt Isha's heart again, I will take care of you.

KATHIR: Who are you?

NITESH: Isha's friend.

KATHIR: Well, as Isha's friend, mind your own business. I know how to handle my girlfriend.

NITESH: Oh, yes. I see how you handle your girlfriend! I think she doesn't have feelings for you. She feels sorry for you, which is why she hasn't broken up with you. I have a better personality than you, and it would be better if Isha became my girlfriend.

Kathir gets angry and punches Nitesh in the mouth. He grabs Nitesh by the collar of his t-shirt and glares at him.

KATHIR: Don't you dare talk to me like that!

Isha stands there frozen, looking at them. Nitesh notices Isha standing there.

NITESH: I understand, Kathir. But if you continue to hurt her, it will hurt me a lot. If you're angry with Isha, please hit me instead of her, but don't hurt her.

KATHIR: ??? What are y-

ISHA: Kathir!

Kathir looks at Isha, and Isha looks towards them. She then removes Kathir's hand from Nitesh's collar.

ISHA: What are you doing, Kathir?

NITESH: He doesn't like us being friends.

KATHIR: Don't tell lies.

NITESH: Why would I lie, Kathir? His behavior before was all because of me.

KATHIR: Stop telling your bloody lies!

Kathir wants to attack Nitesh, but Isha stops him and shouts at him.

ISHA: Stop, Kathir! Why are you doing the same thing over and over again?

KATHIR: What did I do, Isha? Do you know what he told me?

ISHA: Enough, Kathir. I'm really tired of fighting with you like this every day. From today, I don't want to hear your apologies. If you can't be a good boyfriend, leave me! Come on, Nitesh.

Isha takes Nitesh with her, and Kathir stands there with tears in his eyes. He tries to calm himself. At that moment, Vidya crosses paths with Kathir and notices him there. She can see the sadness in his eyes, and Vidya stops.

VIDYA: (What happened to him? Why does he look so sad? Should I go and ask him? What if he tells me to mind my own business?)

There are many thoughts running through her mind. Meanwhile, Kathir notices Vidya, and she can see the pain in his eyes. Then, Kathir walks away.

VIDYA: I don't know what's wrong with him! I hope he's fine, and I'm sure he'll be fine...