
Terminology Part 1

Akashi Records

The source origin voice can be understood by everyone meaning as if it were spoken in their native tongue.

Source origin voice will echo within the consciousness of all existence that has received the blessing of Akashi Records.

Occasionally it is heard by a single individual, while in other instances it will broadcast to a large group of individuals within the range of the source phenomenon.

The source origin voice is a phenomenon present in all places, such as the material planes, spiritual worlds, hidden dimensions, and special realms.

Akashi Records, rewards an individual or a group based on their achievements.





--- [1-100,000,000 OP]


--- [1-100,000 OP]





Ultra Rare

--- [100,000-10,000,000 OP]






--- [10,000,000-1,000,000,000 OP]

Transcendental Items

World Items

Void Items

Universal Items

Cosmic Items

... [1,000,000,000-100,000,000,000 OP]






- -- Unique Items

[10-100,000,000,000 OP]

Random Materials

Soul Legacy

Spirit Items

Treasure Items





• Skills:

Skills are abilities that can be acquired by everyone through effort or repetitive action.


• Noble Skills

Noble skill is the next evolution of skills after meeting a certain requirement.

Two or more skills with great compatibility are needed for a noble skill to be created.

Noble skills are ten times more powerful than a skill.


Bloodline Skills/Innate Skills/Trait Skills

- Skills that are inherited through once bloodline ancestry.

These skills can also be considered as Pseudo Special Skills.

There are ever rare cases of mere bloodline skills having power nearing ultimate skills. Unfortunately, bloodline skills can only grow further by either purifying one's bloodline or by tracing it source to the roots.


Special Skills

- Special Skills, are skills that have the power to directly interfere with the laws of the world, concepts, and reality.

Acquiring one is near impossible as it cannot be acquired through inheritance, repetitive actions, talent or hard work.


Unique Skills:

- Unique can only exist one at a time in a single reality though there are cases of different variations.

Unique Skills, is a crystallization of Special Skills, it's next evolution. Unique Skills are 5 times more powerful compare to a Special Skill.


*There are rare cases of people acquiring Special and Unique skills even without the intervention of a higher power, these people are called Choose, people who have strong enough willpower, soul and pure desire allowing them to acquire such power.*


Ultimate Skills:

- Ultimate Skills are described to be the "embodiment of the mind, heart, and soul."

One needs to harmonize with their mind, heart, soul, and body to gain an Ultimate Skill.


- Ultimate Skills are divided into ranks; Lord, King, and Emperor, each rank making the skill twice as powerful.

- Ultimate Skills

- Primordial Skills




True Names and Origin Title.

True Names and Origin Title, are one of the fundamental properties of the Akashi Records, alongside.

They can be given by someone of higher status, chosen by the masses, or be acquired in acknowledgement of one's status or actions through the Akashi Records.

For beings who have no name, it is common for them to be called their title if they have one.





Soul is divided into 3 parts; Astral Body, Spiritual System and Soul Heart.

-Astral Body

Astral Body is a spiritual form of ones physical body and the one and only defensive barrier against any soul-based attacks.

An astral body without a physical vessel is in danger of being denied by the material world.

Astral entities that don't have a physical vessel or have lost one will be sent in a random location in the spirit world.

-Spirit world

Underworld – Home of wraths and phantoms.

Hell – Home of demons, fallen and devils.

Heaven – Home of angels.

Central Spirit World – Home of source origin spirits.

Elemental spirits can be seen everywhere.

-Spiritual entities ranks

Lesser, Great, Arch, Noble, Monarch, and Primordial Supreme.

-Spiritual System

Spiritual System, are the pathways on which magic can be concentrated through.

These spirit circuits are like pulsating lines of currents that allow for magic to be used throughout the body, although they cannot be physically touched by matter.

Spiritual System, can only be damaged through the use of spiritual attacks or receiving a direct hit from a mighty phenomenal attack.

-Soul Heart

Soul Heart is here where the records of one's life experience are stored, ego that built up the personality of an individual and where core of the skills are located.





[Humans] [Beast Kin] [Elf] [Dwarf] [Elementals] [Spirits] [Demons] [Vampires] [Angels] [Devils] [Insectoid] [Phantoms] [Wraths] [Dragons] [Phoenix] [Fairies] [Titans] [God Race] [Monsters]

[Void Creatures] [Dimensional Creatures] [Abyssal Creatures] [Eldritch Creatures] [Cosmic Creatures] [Primordial Creatures] [Chaos Creatures]




• Virtual Shop

- Virtual Shop, allows everyone to have open access to almost every single item available in the akashi records.

You can also use shops to sell items.

Virtual Costume Levels: Copper, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Gold, Platinum, Diamond


[Copper] 4% Off on every purchase. 6% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Copper Items.

[Silver] 8% Off on every purchase. 8% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Silver Items.

[Bronze] 12% Off on every purchase. 10% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Bronze Items.

[Iron] 16% Off on every purchase. 12% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Iron Items.

[Gold] 20% Off on every purchase. 14% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Gold Items.

[Platinum] 24% Off on every purchase. 16% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Platinum Items.

[Diamond] 28% Off on every purchase. 18% Cash back. Min Spent 0 Capped at Diamond Items.




• Virtual Auction House

Virtual Shop, allows everyone to have open access to every auctioned event in your dimension.

You can also use the auction to trade items privately.