Well, Beowulf's final fight was against a dragon. You see, this dragon was guarding a huge treasure. A slave had stolen a cup from that treasure, which made the dragon furious. So it started attacking the Geats. Beowulf, being the hero he was, couldn't just stand by. He gathered his men and went to face the dragon. But his men were mostly cowards. Only Wiglaf stayed by his side. Beowulf was strong, but age had taken its toll. He fought the dragon valiantly. They exchanged blows. Eventually, Beowulf was severely injured, yet he and Wiglaf together managed to kill the dragon. And then Beowulf passed away, a great hero to the end.
The novel Battle Through the Heavens could be exempted from reading. This novel was written by Tian Can Tudou. It described how after the young Xiao Yan suffered all kinds of blows, he suddenly obtained the help of a wisp of a ghost and opened a brand new door. The story took place in a world of battle aura. There were no fancy magic spells, only battle aura that multiplied to the peak. If you want to read the novel Battle Through the Heavens, you can skip reading the full text in the link provided.
There was a girl and a boy in a competition. It was a race. The boy was overconfident and made some taunting remarks towards the girl before the race. This made the girl determined to win. During the race, the boy tried to block the girl's path a few times. The girl, not one to be bullied, elbowed him gently but firmly out of the way. In the end, the girl won and the boy was left fuming. But the girl just walked away with a proud smile on her face.
Once, I saw a wife and a mistress have an argument in a park. The wife found out about the mistress and confronted her. The mistress tried to act tough at first, but the wife was full of anger and rightful indignation. The wife started shouting about how the mistress was ruining her family. In the end, the mistress, feeling ashamed, ran away.
In reality, an English Mastiff stands no chance against an elephant. Elephants are massive and extremely powerful. The mastiff might be a large and strong dog, but an elephant could easily crush it with its sheer size and strength. It's likely in such a fictional story, the mastiff would be quickly overpowered.
McGregor's unruly behavior and his disrespect towards Khabib. He said things that were completely unacceptable. Khabib, being a proud fighter with strong values, couldn't let those remarks slide. So, he took on McGregor in the fight to set things straight and prove his worth in the MMA world.