Well, Beowulf's final fight was against a dragon. You see, this dragon was guarding a huge treasure. A slave had stolen a cup from that treasure, which made the dragon furious. So it started attacking the Geats. Beowulf, being the hero he was, couldn't just stand by. He gathered his men and went to face the dragon. But his men were mostly cowards. Only Wiglaf stayed by his side. Beowulf was strong, but age had taken its toll. He fought the dragon valiantly. They exchanged blows. Eventually, Beowulf was severely injured, yet he and Wiglaf together managed to kill the dragon. And then Beowulf passed away, a great hero to the end.
I'm not sure who Beowulf is in this specific context. It might be a character created for a particular spin - off or fan - made addition to the Final Fantasy 7 lore.
Beowulf is a heroic epic. Beowulf, a Geatish hero, hears of the monster Grendel terrorizing the Danes. He travels to Denmark to help. In a great battle, Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, and the monster flees to die. Then Grendel's mother comes for revenge. Beowulf dives into her lair underwater and slays her with a magic sword. After many years, Beowulf is now king of the Geats. A dragon starts to cause destruction. Old but still brave, Beowulf goes to fight the dragon. He manages to kill the dragon but is mortally wounded in the process.
The story of Beowulf's battle with Grendel is one of the most famous in Anglo - Saxon literature. Beowulf, from Geatland, is known for his courage and strength. He comes to the aid of King Hrothgar of the Danes, whose hall has been under siege by Grendel for years. When Grendel arrives at the hall, Beowulf is ready. He has chosen not to use weapons as he believes his own strength is enough. The two engage in a brutal fight. Grendel is no match for Beowulf's brute force. Beowulf gets a firm grip on Grendel and in a display of incredible power, he tears Grendel's arm clean off. Grendel runs away mortally wounded, and Beowulf is celebrated as a hero for his deeds.
I'm not entirely sure which specific 'Final Fantasy 7 Beowulf story' you're referring to. There may be some fan - made or very niche parts related to it. In general, in the Final Fantasy 7 universe, there are main storylines about Cloud and his team fighting against Shinra and Sephiroth. But without more specific details about this 'Beowulf' aspect, it's hard to give a detailed plot.
Grendel was a fearsome monster that terrorized Heorot, the mead - hall of the Danes. Beowulf, a great Geatish warrior, heard of this and decided to help. At night, when Grendel entered the hall to kill and feast on the sleeping warriors, Beowulf was waiting. He fought Grendel with his bare hands as it was a matter of honor for him. Beowulf's grip was so strong that he tore off Grendel's arm. Grendel fled to his lair in the marshes and later died from his wounds.
Beowulf is an epic hero. He travels to the land of the Danes to help King Hrothgar. Hrothgar's mead - hall, Heorot, is being terrorized by the monster Grendel. Beowulf, with his great strength, battles Grendel unarmed and rips off the monster's arm. This shows his extraordinary courage and physical power.
Beowulf is an old hero. The dragon in the story is guarding a treasure. A slave steals a cup from the dragon's hoard, which angers the dragon. It starts to wreak havoc on the land. Beowulf, though old and tired, decides to fight the dragon to protect his people. In the battle, Beowulf's sword fails him at first. But with the help of his loyal follower Wiglaf, he finally manages to slay the dragon. However, Beowulf is mortally wounded in the fight and dies.
Well, Beowulf is about a heroic figure. Beowulf first battles Grendel. Grendel is this huge, menacing creature that has been causing havoc in Heorot. Beowulf's victory over Grendel is a significant part of the story. Next comes Grendel's mother. She's not easy to defeat either. Beowulf has to dive deep into her underwater lair. His final battle with the dragon is also very heroic. He sacrifices himself for his people. Overall, it's a story full of heroism, loyalty, and the struggle between good and evil.
Beowulf is an epic hero. He goes to the land of the Danes to help King Hrothgar. There is a monster named Grendel that has been terrorizing the mead - hall, Heorot. Beowulf battles Grendel unarmed and rips off its arm, mortally wounding it. Then Grendel's mother comes to avenge her son. Beowulf dives into the lake to her lair and slays her with a sword he finds there. After many years, Beowulf is now king of his own land. A dragon is awakened and begins to wreak havoc. Beowulf, though old, decides to fight the dragon. He manages to kill the dragon but is mortally wounded in the process.
Beowulf was a great hero. He came from Geatland. He heard about Grendel, a monster that was terrorizing the Danes. So, he sailed to Denmark to help. He fought Grendel with his bare hands and managed to rip off the monster's arm. Later, he also killed Grendel's mother in her lair. After that, Beowulf returned to Geatland. Eventually, he became king. In his old age, he had to face a dragon. He fought bravely but was mortally wounded during the battle. However, he did succeed in slaying the dragon before he died.