One way to make money is by entering story-writing competitions in India. Many offer cash prizes for winning entries. Also, self-publishing on platforms like Amazon Kindle and promoting your work can generate income.
You can earn by submitting your short stories to literary magazines or online platforms that pay for content. Also, participating in writing competitions with cash prizes is a good option.
You can try submitting to popular literary magazines like 'The Indian Quarterly' or online platforms such as 'StoryMirror' that offer payment for good short stories.
India has been on a journey towards a corruption - free state. There are initiatives like the Digital India campaign which has reduced the scope for corrupt practices in many government services. For example, e - governance has made it easier for citizens to access services without having to pay bribes. Transparency in tendering processes for government projects has also increased, with more online platforms for bidding and monitoring.
Yes, India has seen significant economic growth and development through its participation in free trade, especially in certain sectors like IT and services.
Well, in India, there is a growing trend of people writing for money, and Indian moms could be part of that. However, it's not something that stands out as a distinct and overly common narrative. There are different factors at play. Some moms might write for money to supplement the family income, especially if they have skills in writing. But it's not a story that is so prevalent that you hear it all the time.