Spiderman was created by Marvel Comics, one of the classic superheroes in Marvel Comics and one of the most popular superheroes in the Marvel Universe. Spider-Man first appeared in the Spider-Man series of Marvel Comics, and later appeared in other Marvel Comics titles such as Spider-Man: The Return of Heroes, Spider-Man and Iron Man, etc.
The superhero named Spider-Man was also created in the series of " The Mystery of the Blur ". Although Spider-Man was very important in both comic book companies 'universes, he was a superhero in the Marvel Universe and was loved by fans all over the world.
The number of Marvel comic heroes is constantly changing and growing. As of now, there are well over 8000 characters, but new ones are always being introduced.
Yes. Iron Man's demise was depicted in certain Marvel comic books. The circumstances and implications of his death were explored, and it had a ripple effect on the characters and plotlines within the comic book world.