Spiderman was created by Marvel Comics, one of the classic superheroes in Marvel Comics and one of the most popular superheroes in the Marvel Universe. Spider-Man first appeared in the Spider-Man series of Marvel Comics, and later appeared in other Marvel Comics titles such as Spider-Man: The Return of Heroes, Spider-Man and Iron Man, etc.
The superhero named Spider-Man was also created in the series of " The Mystery of the Blur ". Although Spider-Man was very important in both comic book companies 'universes, he was a superhero in the Marvel Universe and was loved by fans all over the world.
No, Pig Spider Man is not a character in the typical comic books. You might be confusing it with some other character or it could be a very rare or custom-made version that's not widely known.
The age of Spider-Man in the comic books isn't fixed. Sometimes he's shown as a young adult, around 18-25 years old. This can change based on the creative decisions of the writers and the context of the story.
First, you need to have a good understanding of Spider-Man's character design and poses. Sketch the basic outline of his body and costume. Then, focus on adding details like the web shooters and facial expressions.