The story ends with Kratos and Atreus successfully preventing the complete destruction that Ragnarok was supposed to bring. They manage to find a new balance in the world of the Norse gods.
In the end, Kratos and his allies are able to defeat Odin and survive Ragnarok. The nine realms are changed forever, but there is also a sense of new beginnings for Kratos and Atreus.
There is indeed an end credit scene in Toy Story 4. It adds a bit of extra fun and sometimes hints at potential future storylines or gives a final touch to the movie.
In the end, Ragnarok happens. Kratos and Atreus are victorious against Odin. There's a sense of new beginnings for the characters and the world they inhabit.
The main story ends with Kratos and Atreus achieving a form of victory over Odin. They manage to bring about the end of Ragnarok in a way that allows for a new beginning in the Norse world.