The home of anime is a website for watching anime online. You can watch anime in the following ways:
1. Sign up for an account on the website and purchase a member. This way, you can watch all the members 'exclusive animations in the member's exclusive channel.
2. Use the client software of the animation house to download and install the buffer plug-in in the software. This way, you can buffer some popular animations to watch at any time.
3. Use the browser on the computer to visit the website of the animation house and then open a page of animation and click the "watch" button to watch.
It is important to note that when using the second method to watch anime, you need to make sure that the browser plug-in on the computer is the latest and that the browser plug-in is the latest.
To make a reel full screen on story, first make sure your app is updated. Then, when the reel is playing, check for icons like a diagonal arrow or a rectangle with arrows at the corners. Tap on it and it should go full screen. If that doesn't work, try swiping or double-tapping the screen.
To make a video full screen on Story, first check if there's a dedicated full screen button. If not, try gestures like spreading two fingers apart on the screen or looking for settings within the app related to video playback.
If you want to make the font on the computer screen bigger, you can try the following methods:
1. Adjusting the screen resolution: Setting the screen resolution to a higher value can make the font look clearer. Usually, setting the screen resolution to 1920 x 1080 or higher can make the font size and color more realistic.
2 adjust the font size: find the font size icon on the desktop or start menu and adjust the font size. You can use different font sizes to test different font sizes.
3 Use a font extension program: installing a font extension program can make the font look bigger. For example, both Word and excel can use various font expanders to increase the font size.
4. Change the font settings on your computer: If you are using the linux-based or macos-based operating system, you can try to change the font settings. You can set the font size by typing "echo $font_size" in the terminal or command prompt and then pressing the enter key.
The above are some common methods to make the font on the computer screen bigger according to your needs.