'Midnight in Paris' by Woody Allen (the book based on his movie). It takes the reader on a time - traveling journey through different eras of Paris, with a...
The Kings Game anime story is about a game where the participants must follow the orders sent by 'King'. These orders can be cruel and inhumane. In the story, the...
Yes, it is. In many fanfiction stories, the idea of Bella and Caius as soul mates is explored. Writers often like to create new relationships and storylines that deviate from...
The new 'Outlander' novel will probably bring more of the vivid descriptions of the landscapes and cultures that the series has always offered. It could delve deeper into the characters'...
Japan horror stories are unique because of their strong cultural roots. For example, they often involve elements of Japanese folklore like yokai (supernatural creatures). Also, they focus a lot on...
One of the main characters was Osiris. He was a very important god in the Egyptian afterlife beliefs and played a crucial role in the judgment of the dead.
No. Rude bedtime stories are not appropriate for kids. Kids are in the process of learning good values and behaviors. Rude stories often contain disrespect, unkindness, or bad language which...
In a 'ruthless city story', the city itself can almost be a character. It could be a place where dreams are crushed as easily as they are made. There could...