The Poseidon Adventure real story involves a ship in a disastrous situation. The ship, Poseidon, flips over. A group of passengers find themselves in a fight for survival. They must...
In one juvenile detention center, there was a serious problem with the food. It was often spoiled or inedible. The juveniles had no choice but to eat it or go...
I would recommend 'Imperial Guards: The New Recruit'. It's a great start for beginners as it likely focuses on the journey of a new imperial guard. It can introduce the...
Perhaps 'caught lying to a friend true story'. When a person is caught lying to their friend, it can cause problems in the relationship. This is like the original idea...
One similar case could be a woman who unknowingly had a condition where she had very irregular periods. She might have had a very mild pregnancy without the typical symptoms...
One of the most interesting ideas is an Aggretsuko crossover with 'Fullmetal Alchemist'. Aggretsuko's experience with the corporate world could be compared to the military and alchemical world in FMA....
You could begin with your favorite childhood games. For example, if you used to play hopscotch, explain the rules to her. It's a simple and fun way to start sharing...
From Mario Puzo's last novel, we can learn a great deal about his writing style at the end of his career. It might show how he had mastered certain narrative...
Another novel is '1984' by George Orwell. It presents a dystopian society that warns about the dangers of totalitarianism. The complex ideas in the book can be analyzed from various...
There is 'Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?'. This short anime story is full of beautiful imagery and a somewhat mysterious plot. It's about a...