The story of Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen is set in a fictional world filled with magic and monsters. The main character, known as the Arisen, has their heart stolen by a dragon. This sets them on a journey to defeat the dragon and reclaim their heart. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, encounter various characters, and explore a vast and diverse landscape.
No. While the story in 'Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen' might not be as complex or deep as some other RPGs, it still has a story. There are main quests that lead the player through a journey, with elements of mystery, like the nature of the Arisen and the dragon. There are also side quests that add to the lore and background of the game world.
Well, the dragon's awakening is a major plot point as it throws the world into chaos. Then, there's the journey of the protagonist to become stronger to face the dragon. Along the way, there are encounters with various factions, each with their own agendas. These interactions and power struggles are also important plot points. And, of course, the discovery of ancient secrets and artifacts that might help in the fight against the dragon.
In Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, the main quest often begins with a simple setup. You find yourself in a familiar RPG - like starting location. After character creation, look around for any signs of trouble or people in distress. These are usually the cues that lead you into the main story. The game is good at guiding you without being too obvious. You might see some strange creatures near the village, for example, and that's a sign that something's up. Talk to the locals and they'll give you more details about what's going on and what you need to do to start the main quest.
They may think so because the story is not spoon - fed to the player. It's not as straightforward as in some other games. You have to really dig into the side quests and pay attention to the details of the main quest to fully understand the story, and many players might not do that, so they assume there's no story.
Sure. A dragon steals the heart of the Arisen. The Arisen then embarks on a journey to get it back, facing many foes and exploring the world in the process.