Recurring decimals refer to decimals with a repeating fraction, such as 06666 and 314159265358979323846. If you want to convert such decimals into scores, you can follow the following steps:
1 determines the position of the loop section, that is, the difference between the first number and the last number of the decimal part is usually the number sequence of the decimal part when the two numbers are equal. For example, 06666's repeating period is between the 6th and 7th digits of the decimal part, which means 6-7=1, so it can be expressed as 1/2.
2. The number where the loop section is located and the numbers after it are all omitted, and only the decimals are retained to obtain the fraction form. For example, 06666 could be expressed as 1/2(6/6=2/2=1+1/2).
3. If there are multiple cycles after a certain number in the decimal part, you need to first determine the last cycle and then follow the above steps. For example, the loop section of 314159265358979323846 is between the 26th and 27th digits of the decimal part, which is 26-27=-1. Therefore, you need to first determine whether the last loop section is 1 or-1 and then simplify it accordingly.
The method of converting a repeating decimal into a fraction needed to determine the last loop section according to the position of the loop section and then simplify it according to the above steps.
If you want to praise someone else's good handwriting, you can say:
Your handwriting is really beautiful!
Your handwriting is very elegant and admirable!
Your handwriting is so exquisite that I can't help but sigh!
Your handwriting is so beautiful that it makes people fall in love at first sight!
Your handwriting is very artistic. It's really a work of art!
Your handwriting is very smooth and looks very comfortable!
Your handwriting is very organized and makes people feel more relaxed!
Your handwriting is very standard and looks very neat!
Your handwriting is very lively and lively!
Your handwriting is very natural and unrestrained, giving people a feeling of confidence!
When handwriting a novel, punctuation is crucial. You need to put exclamation marks for emphasis and question marks for questions, of course. Also, pay attention to colons and semicolons to make your writing more clear and organized.
It was impossible to distinguish between male and female because the font was usually determined by genetic variation, while the gender was determined by the combination of genes. Therefore, the font could not be used to determine a person's gender.
Wang Luodan's font was included in "China on the tip of the pen". How was her font?
Wang Luodan's handwriting was considered a combination of modern and traditional, full of personality and beauty. Her handwriting was light, smooth, and sharp. It had a sharp edge and a certain sense of gentleness. In terms of writing, her handwriting paid attention to details, stroke specifications, neatness, and a certain amount of writing strength and inertia.
Wang Luodan's font was widely used in her personal brand and works, such as sharing her text content and calligraphy works on social media and using her font to decorate her works of art. As a result, her handwriting was loved and sought after by many people. It was considered an excellent writing style and brand feature.
Using bleacher can remove the writing, but it may damage the paper. In addition, you can also try to use erasing magic, alcohol, toothpaste, and other methods to remove the handwriting. However, it was important to note that different methods were suitable for different types of handwriting and paper. It was best to experiment on other papers first to ensure that the original paper would not be damaged.