Hardly. Craigslist has a diverse range of content but is centered around more practical and general categories. Stories about a 'busty woman' are not the norm. It could be that someone decided to share a very unique or personal experience that happened to involve a woman with that description, but this is not something that represents the typical Craigslist story. There are far more common types of stories related to business transactions and community announcements on the site.
Yes, there are. There have been numerous reports of people encountering various bad situations through Craigslist. For example, some have fallen victim to scams where they were promised a great job or a great deal on an item, but in the end, they lost money. Others have had dangerous or uncomfortable meetings when trying to buy or sell something in person, with some facing threats or being robbed.
A story about a haunted theater in Manila is also quite scary. Actors and stagehands often report strange happenings. Costumes move on their own, and there are cold spots in the dressing rooms. Some have even heard disembodied voices whispering lines from plays long forgotten. It's as if the ghosts of past performers are still attached to the place and are trying to relive their glory days in a rather spooky way.
Well, the top stories in Manila Times might cover a wide range of topics. It could be about local elections and the campaigns of different candidates. There might also be stories on natural disasters that have affected the Philippines and the relief efforts. Additionally, cultural events and the promotion of local arts and heritage could also be among the top stories.
A really scary Manila horror story is the one about the haunted theater. People say that during rehearsals, actors would see a ghostly figure in the audience. It would make strange noises and sometimes cause the stage lights to flicker. Another is about a dilapidated house where a family was brutally murdered. Locals say that you can still hear their screams at night.
Rather than delving into such improper content, we can talk about Manila's historical landmarks like Intramuros. It's a much more positive and acceptable topic.
Well, without more context, it's difficult to say exactly. However, if it's a local story, it might involve the boy's relationship with his community in Manila. He could be involved in local festivals, helping out in neighborhood activities. Or it could be a story of his discovery of the city's hidden gems, like small, charming alleys, local food stalls that serve the most delicious Filipino cuisine, and his encounters with different people from all walks of life in Manila.
Well, the 'Manila Horror Story' could potentially be about supernatural occurrences in Manila. It might include tales of ghosts in old buildings, like the creepy stories you hear about abandoned mansions where strange noises are heard at night and shadowy figures are seen. It could also be related to local superstitions and how they play out in the form of horror.
I've heard of a GrabCar Manila horror story where a passenger booked a car for a short trip. But when the driver arrived, he seemed very unkempt and was acting strangely. During the ride, the car started making strange noises as if it was about to break down. The driver didn't seem to care much and just continued driving. The passenger was really worried throughout the journey, fearing that they might get into an accident. There are also stories of drivers being rude to passengers, for example, not allowing them to adjust the air - conditioning even though it was too cold or too hot in the car.
I'm not sure specifically as I don't have direct access to Manila Times net at the moment. You can visit their website to find out the top stories which could be about local politics, economy, cultural events or international news relevant to the Philippines.