AO3 (Archive of Our Own) is great. It has a large collection of well - organized anime fanfiction. is also popular, with a wide variety of stories.
Websites like KissManga and MangaFox are often used. They offer a large collection and are user-friendly. However, be aware of potential ads and the legality of some content.
Wattpad is very popular. It has a huge community of writers and readers, so you can find all kinds of novels there, from romance to science fiction. Another good one is Scribd, which has a large library of e - books and novels, though it requires a subscription for full access.
Well, for reading online romantic novels, you could consider Webnovel. It has a huge collection of novels from different regions, and many of them are romantic in nature. Then there's, which has a vast library of e - books, including romantic ones. You can either buy them or look for free samples to read online. Also, Google Play Books has a good number of romantic novels available for online reading. Just search for the genre and explore the options.
Wattpad is really good. It has a huge community of writers and readers. You can easily find urban novels there. Another one is Goodreads. It not only has reviews and ratings for urban novels but also provides links to some free reading sources in some cases.