In Dokkan Battle, the story of Kid Goku LR is centered around his Saiyan heritage and his quest for power. Kid Goku is known for his pure heart and determination. His story in the game likely shows his progression from a relatively inexperienced fighter to a more formidable one. There could be story arcs that focus on his relationships with other characters in the game, such as his friends and rivals. It may also involve him obtaining new forms or power - ups through his in - game adventures, which are often based on the original Dragon Ball storylines.
The story of Kid Goku LR in Dokkan Battle is an exciting one. It delves deep into his character. He starts out as a plucky young Saiyan with big dreams. As the story progresses in the game, he faces stronger and stronger opponents. His story may include his training with Master Roshi, and how that training helps him in battles. There are also likely storylines that revolve around his search for the Dragon Balls and the adventures that come with it. All of these aspects combine to create a vivid and engaging story for Kid Goku LR in Dokkan Battle.
Definitely not. Fanfiction is a realm of creativity where the boundaries are pushed. There are fanfictions that might introduce new Saiyan characters who are the Legendary Super Saiyan. Also, different interpretations of the existing Saiyan lore can lead to scenarios where Goku isn't the sole Legendary Super Saiyan. For example, some fanfictions might play with the idea that the Legendary Super Saiyan is a title that can be passed on or shared among different Saiyans depending on certain conditions.
Well, if Goku was the legendary Super Saiyan in fanfiction, it could completely change the power dynamics in the Dragon Ball universe. There might be new enemies or allies formed based on this twist.
Sure does. Goku Black achieves the Super Saiyan form in the manga. This transformation adds a new layer of intensity to the storyline and showcases his growing power.
If Goku were the legendary Super Saiyan in fanfic, it could lead to new story arcs and challenges. Maybe he'd face even more powerful villains or have to deal with the weight of his immense power.
One more theme is friendship and family. Just like in the original Dragon Ball series, the female Goku in fanfiction also values her relationships. However, her Super Saiyan powers can sometimes put a strain on these relationships. For instance, her need to constantly train and get stronger might conflict with spending time with her family. But in the end, these relationships are usually strengthened through her growth as a Super Saiyan.