Samo fanfic is likely fan fiction centered around a subject named Samo. Fanfic in general is when fans of a certain franchise, like a book series, movie, or game, write...
The family first thought it was just their imagination or something that could be easily explained. However, when the hauntings became more intense and started to affect their daily lives...
The Sims 2 Goth Family Story is mainly about the Goth family in The Sims 2. It involves their daily lives, relationships, and the unique characteristics of each family member....
One example could be a person who developed a heart problem after taking Belviq. They may have had no prior heart issues, but after starting the drug, they noticed irregular...
It can be offensive. Sonic has a large and diverse fan base including children. This type of fanfiction with sexual undertones can be disturbing and offensive to many fans who...
There's a fanfic where Harry's long hair is part of a disguise. He's on a secret mission in the wizarding world, and the long hair helps him blend in with...
The Ninjago Graphic Novel stands out for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for a different kind of storytelling experience. The visual aspect of it, with its detailed drawings, can enhance...
One bigfoot story goes like this. In a remote forest in the Pacific Northwest, a hiker was out exploring. As he walked deeper into the woods, he noticed large, strange...
Yes, 'American Sniper' is based on a true story. It tells the story of Chris Kyle, a highly decorated U.S. Navy SEAL sniper. Kyle had a large number of confirmed...
Well, the origin of Greek mythology has its roots in ancient oral traditions. It started with the idea of a primal state of Chaos. Out of this, fundamental entities emerged....