Well, 'Solo Leveling English Light Novel' is centered around a protagonist in a world filled with supernatural creatures. He's initially an underdog in the hunter society. However, he embarks on a journey that changes his fate. He gets unique abilities and powers as he levels up, and the story is filled with intense battles, strategic planning, and the exploration of a complex world where hunters have different ranks and responsibilities.
The Solo Leveling manga has a considerable number of chapters. But the exact length can vary depending on how you measure it, like in terms of page count or story arcs.
I don't have the exact figure for the number of chapters in Solo Leveling off the top of my head. But a quick online search should give you the information you need.
It's hard to give an exact number. The number of Solo Leveling novels can vary depending on different editions and releases. You could look for information from the author's official website or reliable literary databases.