The Parasyte anime is quite faithful to the manga. It manages to capture the main events and character developments accurately. Although there could be some tweaks here and there for better visual presentation, the essence of the manga is well-preserved.
Overall, the ending of the Parasyte manga is quite intense. Shinichi has a showdown with the powerful parasites, and there are some unexpected twists and turns. It leaves you with a lot to think about.
The ending of Parasyte manga is quite intense. The main character faces a final showdown with the parasites and achieves a sort of resolution that leaves a lasting impact.
It's quite faithful. The anime version of Parasyte The Maxim adheres closely to the manga, with only a few minor differences that don't significantly change the plot or character development.
The Parasyte anime doesn't cover the entire story. Some parts are condensed or omitted to fit the anime format. But it still captures the main essence of the story.