One popular gritty dystopian novel is '1984' by George Orwell. It shows a totalitarian society where the government controls every aspect of people's lives. Another is 'The Hunger Games' by...
One idea could be that Tavan discovers a hidden magical power within himself. This power could be related to an ancient prophecy, leading him on a journey to find out...
There was a conservative wife who was very particular about family finances. She believed in saving for the future rather than indulging in immediate luxuries. She would keep a detailed...
If 'S Mollys Game True Story' is a game, it could potentially be about a character named Molly and her adventures in a fictional world. However, without more context, it's...
It is not appropriate at all. Fanfiction is a form of creative writing that should be based on positive values. Forced actions in a story are not acceptable in a...
There's also a fanfiction titled 'A Short Encounter'. In this one, Robin saves a short girl from a dangerous situation. It then delves into their relationship, with Robin being protective...
It could be a rogue ninja who has mastered the Chibaku Tensei technique and wants to use it to reshape the ninja world according to his own dark vision. He...
One interesting plot idea could be Kirk and Uhura going on a secret mission together. They face various challenges and in the process, their relationship deepens. Maybe they encounter a...