The last sentence of '1984' - 'He loved Big Brother.' is very impactful. It shows the complete and utter defeat of the protagonist Winston. After all his resistance and rebellion, he finally succumbs to the totalitarian regime, which is a chilling end to a novel that explores themes of power, control, and the loss of individual freedom.
Sure. In 'Pride and Prejudice', the last sentence 'Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them.' This last sentence ties up the love story neatly, showing the happy union of the main characters and their mutual love for their families.
In the past few years, Ye Qingmei's last two words on the stone tablet in front of the prosecutor's office were: " I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become non-residents. When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
Qing Yuannian's last two sentences were: " I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become unsettled people. When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
Qing Yuannian's last two sentences were: " I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become unsettled people. When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
Qing Yuannian's last two sentences were: " I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become unsettled people. When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
Qing Yuannian's last two sentences were: " I hope that the people of Qing Kingdom can become unsettled people. When you are abused by others, you will not yield. When you are attacked by evil, you will not be frustrated. If you do something wrong, you will not be afraid of it. You will not flatter jackals and tigers."
In the Book of Songs, the last few sentences of the past are:
Since he was here, he should take it as it was.
In modern Chinese, this sentence was usually translated as " stay in peace when you come." It expressed a person's need to remain calm and calm in the face of external invasion or difficulties, and actively seek solutions to the problem.
We are doomed by fate.
Life is a journey and I'm just a passenger.
Nothing in this world can stop us from moving forward.
Death may be the best ending for us because it means that we are completely finished.
In this world, there is nothing worth cherishing because everything we have is temporary.
One of the best sentences could be 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.' from 'Pride and Prejudice'. It's great because it sets the stage for the whole story about marriage and social status in that era.