The main characters are the three little bears - Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. And of course, Goldilocks is also a very important character in the story. She is the one who enters the bears' house without permission and uses their things.
Once upon a time, there were three little bears. One was a big bear, one was a medium - sized bear, and one was a little bear. They lived in a cozy house in the forest. At bedtime, they would get ready for sleep. They brushed their teeth, put on their pajamas. The little bear liked to have his favorite teddy bear with him. The medium - sized bear liked to read a short story before sleeping. And the big bear would check if all the doors and windows were locked. Then they would lie in their beds, the big bear in the big bed, the medium - sized bear in the medium - sized bed and the little bear in the little bed. They said good night to each other and soon fell asleep.
In the story, the three little bears go about their day and then prepare for bed. First, they make their porridge. Then they go for a walk while the porridge cools. When they come back, they find that someone has been in their house and eaten their porridge, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. It was Goldilocks. Eventually, Goldilocks wakes up, sees the bears, and runs away in fright.
Well, in the 3 little bears bedtime story, there are these three bears. First, they make porridge and leave it to cool. Then Goldilocks comes in. She's all curious. She samples their porridge, chairs, and beds. The porridge part is interesting. It shows how different the bears' tastes are in terms of temperature. When it comes to the beds, Goldilocks likes Baby Bear's the best. But when the bears return, she gets scared and runs off. It's a simple but classic story for kids.
Once upon a time, there were three little bears. One was a big bear, one was a medium - sized bear, and one was a little bear. They lived in a cozy house in the forest. One day, after a long day of playing, it was bedtime. The big bear went to his big bed, the medium - sized bear went to his medium - sized bed, and the little bear went to his little bed. They all snuggled in and soon fell asleep, dreaming of the fun they would have the next day.
Well, the three bears lived in a house in the woods. They made porridge one morning. Then they went out. Meanwhile, Goldilocks showed up. She was quite naughty. When she tasted the porridge, she liked Baby Bear's the best. After that, she sat in the chairs. The little chair was comfy for her. In the bedroom, she lay down on the beds. Baby Bear's bed was the coziest for her. But when the bears came back, Goldilocks got scared. She quickly ran out of the house, and the three bears were left to wonder about the strange girl who had invaded their home.