We can get the weather forecast of Hainan Island for 15 days. According to the search results, the following is the weather forecast for Hainan Island for the next 15 days:
- Today (03/11): Clear to cloudy, highest temperature 10 ° C, lowest temperature-6 ° C.
- Tomorrow (03/12): Snowy to cloudy, highest temperature 1 ° C, lowest-7 ° C.
- The day after tomorrow (03/13): Clear to cloudy, highest temperature 10 ° C, lowest temperature-3 ° C.
- Thursday (03/14): Cloudy, highest temperature 12 ° C, lowest temperature-2 ° C.
- Friday (03/15): Cloudy, highest temperature 12 ° C, lowest temperature-3 ° C.
- Saturday (03/16): Cloudy, highest temperature 8 ° C, lowest temperature-4 ° C.
- Sunday (03/17): Cloudy, highest temperature 6 ° C, lowest temperature-5 ° C.
- Monday (03/18): Cloudy, highest temperature 5 ° C, lowest temperature-7 ° C.
- Tuesday (03/19): Cloudy to sunny, highest temperature 8 ° C, lowest temperature-6 ° C.
- Wednesday (03/20): Cloudy to overcast, highest temperature 10 ° C, lowest temperature-6 ° C.
The above is the weather forecast for Hainan Island for the next 15 days based on the search results provided.
The weather forecast for Hainan Island was cloudy, sunny, and cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 20 ° C to 36 ° C. The specific weather conditions and temperature changes can be found on the relevant weather forecast website.
You can check the weather forecast for Hainan Island for the next 15 days. According to the information in documents [2] and [3], the weather forecast for Hainan Island in the next 15 days is as follows:
- Today (March 24th): Light snow turning sunny, temperature 5 ° C/-7 ° C.
- Tomorrow (March 25th): Sunny to overcast, temperature 8 ° C/-3 ° C.
- The day after tomorrow (March 26th): Cloudy to overcast, temperature 11 ° C/-5 ° C.
- Wednesday (March 27th): Cloudy to sunny, temperature 11 ° C/-4 ° C.
- Thursday (March 28th): Sunny, 13 ° C/-2 ° C.
- Friday (March 29th): Sunny to cloudy, temperature 17 ° C/0 ° C.
According to the information provided, this was the weather forecast for Hainan Island for the next 15 days.
You can check the weather forecast of Hainan Island for the next 15 days. According to the information in documents [3] and [10], the weather conditions of Hainan Island in the past 15 days are as follows:
- Today (04/23) was cloudy and sunny. The highest temperature was 15 ° C and the lowest temperature was 2 ° C.
- Tomorrow (04/24) will be sunny. The highest temperature will be 17 ° C, and the lowest temperature will be 2 ° C.
- The day after tomorrow (04/25), sunny to cloudy. The highest temperature was 18 ° C, and the lowest temperature was 4 ° C.
- Friday (04/26) cloudy to overcast, the highest temperature was 18 ° C, the lowest temperature was 4 ° C.
- Saturday (04/27) Cloudy to overcast, highest temperature 20 ° C, lowest temperature 4 ° C.
- Sunday (04/28), light rain, maximum temperature 20 ° C, minimum temperature 5 ° C.
- Monday (04/29) Cloudy to light rain, highest temperature 15 ° C, lowest 5 ° C.
- On Tuesday (04/30), light rain turned to rain. The highest temperature was 15 ° C, and the lowest temperature was 2 ° C.
- Wednesday (05/01), the rain turned cloudy. The highest temperature was 14 ° C, and the lowest temperature was 1 ° C.
- Thursday (05/02) Sunny.
According to the information provided, the weather on Hainan Island had changed in the past 15 days, including sunny, cloudy, cloudy, light rain, and rain. The highest temperature was between 14 ° C and 20 ° C, and the lowest temperature was between 1 ° C and 5 ° C. Please note that there may be some errors in these weather forecast. It is recommended to check the latest weather forecast information before going out.
The weather forecast for Halong Bay could only provide data for seven days, and did not provide 15 days of weather forecast information. Therefore, the results of the 15-day weather forecast for Halong Bay could not be provided.
Long a sound stories are those that often feature words with the long 'a' sound, like 'cake', 'name', and 'late'. These stories can be used in phonics education to help children recognize and practice this particular sound.
Once upon a time, there was a cat named Pat. Pat liked to nap on a mat. One day, Pat saw a rat. The rat ran fast. Pat chased it with a bat. But the rat was smart and hid in a vat. Pat waited and waited, and finally, the rat came out. Pat caught it and took it to the farm cat. The end.