No. Tumblr has strict community guidelines, and sex - related fan fiction that is explicit in nature is not allowed as it goes against the platform's standards for a clean and respectful environment.
Tumblr is more of a general social media and blogging platform. While you can find comics on it, it's not primarily focused on comics. Users post all kinds of things like photos, text posts, and art of different kinds.
Tumblr Pullup Fiction refers to fictional works that are either created, shared, or popularized on Tumblr. These fictions can vary greatly. Some might be short, emotional stories about love and loss, while others could be action - packed adventures. The 'pullup' part might imply that these fictions are easy to access or 'pull up' on the Tumblr platform, making them readily available for users to read and enjoy.
In general, Tumblr has strict policies against explicit sexual content, so such stories are likely not legal in the context of Tumblr's terms of service.
Rather than concerning about the legality of such inappropriate content, it is better to engage with legal and positive forms of literature and storytelling.
Adult stories on Tumblr are not legal in the context of Tumblr's rules. Tumblr aims to be a family - friendly and appropriate platform, so it does not permit the sharing of adult - related content.
A '5h tumblr fanfic' is likely a fan - created fictional work related to the group Fifth Harmony (5H) that was posted on Tumblr. Tumblr is a popular platform where fans often share their creative works like stories, fanfictions about their favorite artists or characters.
In general, erotica stories often involve adult and sexual content. Distributing and accessing such content without proper authorization in many regions may be against the law. Tumblr has also been making efforts to restrict such content for legal and ethical reasons.
It's not that hard. Just start with an idea you're passionate about, keep your writing simple and engaging, and use Tumblr's formatting tools to make it look nice.