The lyrics of 'Know No Know No' were composed by Li Qingzhao and Zhang Jingyi. In the lyrics, the phrase " I know, I know, I should be green, fat, red, thin " repeatedly appeared, expressing the entanglement and uncertainty of their love. The lyrics described the tragic love story of Ming Lan and the little duke, expressing sympathy for Ming Lan and pity for the little duke.
In the lyrics of the song " New Man " from " Zhou Chu Exterminate the Three Pests ", there were lyrics like " Once I walked forward in a daze. On the road in the dark night, the breeze stung my soul, and I couldn't find the direction I should go." This song was an interlude from the movie " Zhou Chu San Xu ", sung by Zheng Yinong. The movie told the story of Chen Guilin's determination to get rid of the first two wanted criminals, and this song played an important role in the movie.
To get lyrics on stories, you could try looking up the song on popular music streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music. They often display the lyrics along with the song. You can then copy those lyrics and add them to your story.
You can incorporate lyrics by having characters sing or quote them within the story. Maybe have a musical scene or a moment of inspiration where the lyrics fit the mood.
To write lyrics in a novel, start by considering the character who'll be singing or the context. Make the lyrics fit the story's style and genre. Also, pay attention to rhythm and rhyme to make them more musical and engaging.
You can weave the lyrics into the narrative by having a character sing or hum them at a relevant moment. Or, use the lyrics as inspiration for the mood or theme of the story.
One way to add lyrics is to have a character sing or hum them. Another approach is to use them as a form of internal monologue to express emotions. Also, you could mention the lyrics in the narrative description to set a mood.
" The New Man " was an interlude from the movie " Zhou Chu San Xu ", sung by Zheng Yinong. The lyrics of the song described the confusion and loss in the journey of life, as well as the desire to find a direction and a complete heart. It expressed the expectation and hope for a new life, as well as the desire for freedom and happiness. The lyrics of the song emphasized the importance of overcoming difficulties and putting in effort on the journey of life.
To incorporate lyrics into your story, you could have a character singing them or quoting them to express their emotions. Another way is to use the lyrics as a title or epigraph to set the tone. Also, you might describe how the lyrics influence the story's atmosphere.