In Attack on Titan, Eren Yeager has an intense story. As a child, he witnessed his mother being eaten by a Titan. This fueled his hatred for Titans and his desire for revenge. He joined the Survey Corps to fight against Titans. Eren discovers that he has the power to transform into a Titan himself. His story is complex as he battles not only external enemies like the Titans but also internal struggles with his newfound powers and the knowledge he uncovers about the true nature of the world he lives in.
One anime persona story could be about Naruto. Naruto is a young ninja with a dream of becoming Hokage. He was an outcast in his village at first because he had the Nine - Tailed Fox sealed within him. But he never let that stop him. He worked hard, trained under great teachers like Kakashi, and made friends like Sasuke and Sakura. Along his journey, he faced many powerful enemies such as Orochimaru and Pain. His story is one of perseverance, friendship, and never - giving - up on his dreams.
The Persona 5 anime does have some differences. It might focus on specific characters or events differently than the game. But in general, it tries to stay true to the overall theme and world of the game.
In 'Persona 4 Visual Novel', the gay persona might represent the diversity of the game's character creation and the exploration of different sexual orientations within the game's fictional world. It could add more depth to the relationships and storylines.
Perhaps the fanfiction focuses on the cultural clash between the two groups. The Persona 4 characters are from a small town, while the Persona 5 crew is from the big city. Their different ways of handling things and their unique Personas could lead to some interesting interactions. For example, Yu and Joker might have different leadership styles that they have to reconcile in order to succeed against the shadows.
Maybe the Velvet Room attendants from both games somehow get their worlds mixed up. Igor from Persona 5 and Margaret from Persona 4 have to work together to set things right. This leads to the characters from both games interacting. The Phantom Thieves might learn some new combat techniques from the Investigation Team and vice versa. They could then use these new skills to face a common threat that emerges from the merging of their two realities.
Maybe there's a strange distortion that merges parts of Inaba and Tokyo. The characters from both Persona 4 and Persona 5 find themselves in this strange new place. They start to notice that the Shadows in this merged world are more powerful and have new abilities. The Investigation Team and the Phantom Thieves must figure out how to adapt their Personas and strategies to fight these new threats while also dealing with the cultural differences between their two groups.