No. Tumblr has strict community guidelines, and sex - related fan fiction that is explicit in nature is not allowed as it goes against the platform's standards for a clean and respectful environment.
The 'European' aspect of these fanfics also enriches the fandom. It helps fans to better understand the different European cultures that are represented by the Hetalia characters. For example, a fanfic might describe in detail how a character's behavior is influenced by their 'national' culture in a European context. This can lead to more in - depth discussions and a greater appreciation for the Hetalia concept among fans. Moreover, the exploration of gay relationships can break some traditional relationship norms in fan works, making the fandom more inclusive.
Another popular type is the ones that explore the backstories of the characters. 'Austria's Musical Journey' delves into Austria's passion for music and how it has influenced his relationships with other nations. These kinds of fanfictions add depth to the existing characters and their relationships.
Some characters use humor. Like Prussia, he might make grand and funny declarations that distract the reader from their negative thoughts. His over - the - top confidence can be infectious and make the reader feel like they can be more self - assured too.
Italy might be a likely candidate. He is friendly and kind - hearted. His naivete could make Anastasia feel at ease, and his love for food could be something they bond over. For example, he could introduce her to Italian cuisine, which she might find fascinating.
Tumblr is more of a general social media and blogging platform. While you can find comics on it, it's not primarily focused on comics. Users post all kinds of things like photos, text posts, and art of different kinds.
One scary Hetalia story could be about the wars. For example, the chaos and destruction during World War II as depicted through the Hetalia characters can be quite terrifying. The characters facing the brutalities of the battlefield, the fear in their eyes, and the uncertainty of survival are all elements that make it a scary narrative.