One anime similar to 'Tamako Love Story' is 'K-On!'. It also features a group of girls in a school setting with a focus on friendship and some light-hearted romance. The characters are endearing, and the art style is cute.
One anime similar to Clannad After Story is 'Air'. It has a very emotional story with themes of love, sacrifice, and the passage of time. The art style is also somewhat similar in its soft and warm tones, and it can really tug at your heartstrings.
They often involve supernatural elements such as ghosts, spirits, or curses. These elements are used to create a sense of fear and mystery. In Ghost Stories, the ghosts are a central part of the plot, and in other similar animes, these supernatural entities drive the story forward.
One anime that comes to mind is 'Toradora!'. It has a strong love story element at its core. The main characters start off with a somewhat antagonistic relationship but gradually develop deep feelings for each other. It's full of comical and heart - warming moments.