
perfect sense adulto

The First Sense
1 answer
2024-09-16 09:30
The first paragraph of the bronze sunflower chapter is as follows: This passage described a young girl named Bronze Sunflower. Her mother was a mysterious magician and her father was a wealthy merchant. In her father's business empire, Bronze Sunflower was trained to become a powerful magician, but her real dream was to become a poet. This passage allows the reader to feel the powerful background and complexity of the bronze sunflower, while also portraying her relationship with her mother. The readers could feel Bronze Sunflower's incomprehension and estrangement towards her mother, as well as her passion and pursuit for magic and poetry.
Why do I have a strong sense of privacy, a sense of secrecy, and a sense of profit (this may be related to my outspoken words)?
1 answer
2024-09-10 23:53
I'm very strong in protecting my privacy, and I also have a sense of secrecy and interest (this may be similar to my unbridled and unreserved mouth that I feel ashamed of). This may be because in real life, each of us has our own private space and information, and these information and space may be content that we don't want others to know. When we protect our privacy, we may feel a sense of protection because we don't want others to know about our private information and space. This feeling may stem from our self-esteem and our instinct to protect ourselves from harm. We may feel uneasy about our own interests because we need to protect our rights and interests, especially on the internet and social media. In this situation, we may feel sensitive because we need to protect our privacy and information, and at the same time, we don't want others to misunderstand us or violate our rights. Our outspoken and unreserved way of communication may make us feel shameful because we may reveal some private information or reveal our privacy. This might make us feel awkward or uncomfortable because we don't want others to know about our personal space and information.
The Sense of Substitution in the Fictions
1 answer
2024-07-16 21:56
The sense of immersion in a novel referred to the reader's ability to place themselves in the plot of the novel and resonate with the characters. In the novel, the readers could feel the fate and emotional changes of the characters more deeply through the emotional experience and inner monologue of the characters, so that they could be more involved in the story. To enhance the sense of immersion in the novel, the author needed to pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Create realistic characters: The characters in the novel need to have a sense of reality so that the readers can truly feel their emotions, personality, and destiny. The author could let the readers better understand and know them through detailed descriptions and interactions between characters. 2. Construct a plot with tension and conflict: The plot needs to be tense and conflicted to make the reader feel the urge to continue reading. The author could enhance the sense of immersion by making the readers constantly guess the fate and decisions of the characters through fascinating plot design. 3. Use rich emotional expression: The emotional expression in the novel can allow the reader to better enter the inner world of the character and resonate with emotions. The author could let the reader feel the emotional world of the character more deeply through delicate emotional descriptions and the character's inner monologue to enhance the sense of immersion. 4. Pay attention to reader feedback and interaction: The author needs to pay attention to reader feedback and interaction to effectively communicate with readers. The author could respond to the readers 'needs and feedback by replying to their comments and questions, so that the readers could better understand the meaning and emotional expression of the novel and enhance the sense of immersion.
The Common Sense of Fictions
1 answer
2024-08-20 04:14
A novel is a literary genre that usually tells stories through fictional plots, characters, and scenes. The novel could be of any genre, including science fiction, horror, romance, history, biography, etc. It could also be long or short. Fictions are often used to explore topics such as social problems, human behavior, emotions, and interpersonal relationships. The origin of novels can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman narrative literature, such as Homer's Iliad and Odessey. The development of novels in China could be traced back to works such as Song of Everlasting Sorrow from the Tang Dynasty and Water Margins from the Song Dynasty. The development of modern novels began in the 18th century in Europe during the Enlightenment, such as Daniel Defoe's Crusoe and Jane Austen's Pride and Predict. There are many different types of novels, including detective novels, horror novels, science fiction novels, historical novels, biographies, romance novels, and so on. Some of the styles often involved various topics and techniques such as suspense, irony, psychological description, dialogue, plot structure, character creation, and so on. The novel is a widespread and important literary form, not only popular in China and Europe, but also receiving more and more attention worldwide.
literary common sense
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2024-08-23 01:18
Literature general knowledge referred to some knowledge related to literature, such as literary history, literary schools, literary works, literary evaluation, etc. Here are some general knowledge of literature: The history of literature is a subject that studies the history of the development of literature in a period or a country. It can be divided into ancient literature, medieval literature, Renaissance literature, baroque literature, romanticism literature, realism literature, modern literature, and other periods. 2. The literary genre refers to the representatives of some literary styles such as romanticism, realism, symbolism, realism, post-realism, etc. 3. Literature works referred to novels, poems, essays, plays, etc. Literature evaluation refers to the analysis, evaluation, and criticism of literary works. It is divided into positive evaluation and negative evaluation. Some famous literary works include Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margins, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Scholars, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, etc. The literary classics referred to works that were widely recognized and revered, such as The Collected Works of shakespeare, Bacon's Essays, Don Quijote, Miserables, One Hundred Years of Solitude, etc. Literature is closely related to history, philosophy, art and other disciplines. The above is some general knowledge of literature. I hope it can help you.
literary common sense
1 answer
2024-09-15 15:50
Literature general knowledge referred to some knowledge related to literature, such as literary history, literary schools, literary topics, literary works analysis, etc. I'm a fan of online literature. I can answer the following questions based on the knowledge I've learned: 1. History of literature: The history of literature was a subject that studied the development of literature, literary schools, literature, and literary achievements of a period or region. Online literature was no exception. There were also different literary histories in online literature, such as the history of ancient Chinese online literature and the history of modern online literature. 2 Literature schools: A literary genre referred to a group of literary works with common literary characteristics and styles, such as ancient martial arts novels, modern fantasy novels, etc. There were also many different literary schools in online novels, such as ancient fantasy novels and modern science fiction novels. 3. Literature theme: Literature topics referred to the topics and content described in literary works, such as love, war, science fiction, history, and so on. There were also many different literary topics in online novels, such as modern urban novels, ancient time-travel novels, fantasy magic novels, and so on. 4. Analysis of literary works: The analysis of literary works referred to the study and analysis of literary works, including the structure of the works, the creation of characters, the discussion of the theme, the use of language, and so on. There were also many excellent literary works in online novels that could be understood by analyzing their structure, character creation, theme discussion, language use, and so on. The above is some general knowledge of literature. I hope it can be of help to you.
literary common sense
1 answer
2024-09-17 19:33
Literature general knowledge referred to some knowledge related to literature, such as literary schools, literary styles, works, etc. The following are some common literary knowledge: 1. Literature genre: Literature genre refers to a collection of literary styles such as realism, romanticism, realism, symbolism, post-realism, etc. The common literary schools were realism in French literature, romanticism in English literature, realism in American literature, scriptwritism in Japanese literature, and so on. 2. Literature genre: Literature genre refers to the expression and structure of literary works such as novels, poems, essays, plays, etc. Common literary styles included novels, poems, essays, plays, and so on. 3. The common ones, such as shakespeare, dickens, tolstoy, maugham, hemmingway, faulkner, calvino, etc. 4. Works: Works refer to common works such as novels, poems, essays, plays, etc. 5. Literature influence: Literature influence refers to the influence of literary works on society, culture, history, etc. Common literary influences include the influence of "Dream of the Red Chamber" on Chinese culture, the influence of shakespeare on British culture, and the influence of Lu Xun on modern Chinese literature. 6. Literature value: Literature value refers to the aesthetic value, ideology value, social value, and other common literary values of literary works. There are artistic value, cultural value, historical value, and so on. These are some common literary knowledge. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
literary common sense
1 answer
2024-09-17 19:22
Literature general knowledge referred to knowledge related to literary creation, literary theory, literary criticism, and so on. The following are some common literary knowledge: 1. Literature genre: novel, poem, prose, drama, novel, etc. 2. Literature schools: realism, romanticism, modernism, symbolism, post-modernism, etc. 3. Literature period: Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Modern School, etc. 4. Literature creation methods: Impressionism, expressionism, symbolism, modernism, etc. 5. Literature Classics: shakespeare, dickens, maupassant, tolstoy, maugham, hemmingway, faulkner, calvino, mo yan, etc. 6. Literature awards: Nobel Prize in Literature, Pulitzer Prize, French Knight of Literature and Art, Austrian Knight of Literature and Art, etc. 7. Literature influence: Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margins, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Scholars, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio sequels, etc. Literature and life: Literature often reflects social life and can also affect social life. These are some common knowledge of literature, and of course, there are many other knowledge that I hope will be helpful.
literary common sense
1 answer
2024-09-19 15:10
Literature general knowledge referred to some knowledge related to literature, such as works, literary schools, literary forms, etc. The following are some common literary knowledge: 1. Including ancient Chinese writers such as Lu Xun, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi, as well as modern writers such as Lao She, Ba Jin, and Mo Yan. 2. Works: Including novels, poems, essays, plays, and other forms of literary works. 3. Different literary schools, including realism, realism, romanticism, symbolism, expressionism, magical realism, and so on. 4. Forms of literature, including narrative poems, novels, dramas, essays, essays, and other different forms of literature. 5. Rhetoric techniques: including metaphor, personification, exaggeration, comparison, rhetorical question, and parallel comparison. 6. Cultural background: Different literary works reflect different cultural and historical backgrounds. For example, the Dream of the Red Chamber in ancient China reflects the life and values of feudal society. Modern Chinese literary works such as Lu Xun's Madman's Diary reflect the contradictions and crises in modern Chinese history. 7. Literature classics, including " Dream of the Red Chamber,"" Journey to the West,"" Water Margins,"" Romance of the Three Kingdoms,"" Scholars," and other literary classics. 8. Literature awards: Including the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Pulitzer Prize, the Mao Dun Literature Prize, the Lu Xun Literature Prize, and other literary awards. These are some common literary knowledge that I hope can be of help.
literary common sense
1 answer
2024-09-19 16:26
Literature general knowledge referred to knowledge related to literary creation, literary theory, literary history, and so on. The following are some common literary knowledge: 1. The basic elements of literary creation: characters, plot, environment, theme, etc. 2. The characteristics of literature: novels, poems, essays, plays, movies, etc. 3. Literature schools and symbolism: Impressionism, realism, symbolism, expressionism, modernism, etc. 4. The methods of literary criticism: structural criticism, theme criticism, social criticism, cultural criticism, etc. Translating literary works: There are many things to pay attention to in the translation of literary works, including the accuracy, fluency, style, etc. 6. Classic works: Hamlet by shakespeare, Madame Bovary by maupassant, Oliver Twist by dickens, etc. The characteristics of Chinese literature: Chinese literature has a long history, including classical literature, modern literature, contemporary literature, etc. Chinese literature has many forms, including novels, poems, essays, plays, and so on. 8. The characteristics of foreign literature: foreign literature is based on capitalist society, including romanticism, realism, and realism. The forms of foreign literature include novels, poems, plays, essays, and so on. The above are some common literary knowledge, of course, there are many other aspects of literary knowledge is a broad and rich field.