In Helldivers 2, the story centers around a team of brave divers who are sent on dangerous missions in a universe overrun by aliens. There's a lot of strategic planning and teamwork involved as they strive to protect their home planet. The plot is rich with unexpected turns and intense battles.
First, get to know the game's lore really well. Read up on the different factions, the types of enemies, and the technology in the Helldivers universe. Then, come up with a simple concept like a new character's adventure or a new battle scenario. Just start writing, don't worry too much about making it perfect at the start.
Helldivers 2 has a story for sure. It not only has one but it's crafted in a way that ties in with the gameplay mechanics, creating a more immersive and enjoyable experience for the players. The story might have different arcs and plot twists to keep things interesting.
In a way, yes. Helldivers 2 features a story that adds depth and context to the gaming experience. It's not just mindless action but has a narrative that keeps you hooked.
You might consider a fanfic set in a different part of the Helldivers universe. Maybe focus on a colony that is on the verge of being overrun by the bugs. The Helldivers are sent in as a last - hope rescue mission. Show the struggles of the colonists, the relationships that form between them and the Helldivers, and the epic fight to save the colony.