Adventure Time started as an animated show, not a comic. The TV series gained popularity before any comic adaptations were made. The animation was the initial form of the story's presentation to the audience.
Adventure Time has been at Comic Con on certain occasions. Usually, it's part of the event when there's new content or special announcements related to the show.
The Adventure Time comic is canon. It adds depth and new perspectives to the existing storyline, while adhering to the fundamental framework and lore of the franchise.
Hard to say for sure. But the Adventure Time comic has a way of resolving relationships in interesting ways, so there's a chance FP and Finn could reunite.
As of now, there doesn't seem to be a second Adventure Zone comic. Usually, announcements for new comics come through official channels or creator statements, and I haven't seen anything like that for a sequel.
No way. These types of novels go against the values of equality, respect, and human dignity. The idea of making an adventure out of sex slavery is abhorrent. It can also have a negative impact on the perception of society towards such serious issues, leading to a lack of proper understanding and empathy.
I'm not familiar with a character named Bronwyn in Adventure Time. It could be a very minor character or a name that is not part of the mainstream Adventure Time canon.