The Medaka Box anime generally follows the manga. There might be a few minor differences here and there for animation purposes, but it doesn't stray too far from the original storylines and character traits.
Well, in the context of all fiction, 'Medaka Box Kumagawa' is often a unique and interesting element. It might represent a certain character or concept that stands out. It could contribute to the overall diversity and complexity of the fictional world it belongs to.
Kumagawa in Medaka Box is a significant character in the context of all fiction. He often serves as an antagonist or a foil to other characters. His actions and decisions can have a big impact on the story.
One common theme is the exploration of different power systems. Naruto has his chakra and ninja techniques, while Medaka has her abnormal abilities. Fanfics often explore how these powers interact or contrast.
Sorry, I don't know when that happens. It could be tied to specific production timelines or licensing agreements. You might want to keep an eye on official announcements or related news sources.