
are there snakes at thesis defenses

The Thought Thesis of Scholars
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2024-09-10 03:47
The Scholars was a novel about the political corruption and the rigidification of Confucian tradition in officialdom and society at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It described the experiences of a group of Confucian scholars and bureaucrats in political struggles and social changes in a humorous way. The main theme of the novel included the following aspects: Criticizing the Confucian tradition: The author of the novel criticized the Confucian tradition as being too conservative and rigid to meet the needs of social change. At the same time, the author also expressed his doubts and reflections on traditional Confucian morality and values. Reveal political corruption: The author of the novel reveals the corruption and darkness of the Ming Dynasty politics by describing the corruption and collusion in the officialdom. The author's description of political corruption was not only a criticism but also a warning to the political system. 3. The author emphasized the need for social change by portraying a group of Confucian scholars and bureaucrats in the midst of political corruption. The author believes that only through social reform can we solve the problem of the ossified and corrupt Confucian tradition in officialdom and society. 4. Exploring the problem of human nature: In the novel, the author explored the complexity and variety of human nature through the description of Confucian scholars and bureaucrats. Through the description of different characters 'personalities and behaviors, the author shows the good and evil, vanity, greed, selfishness and other aspects of human nature. At the same time, he also expressed his thoughts and discussions on human nature. The theme of The Scholars was multi-directional, which included the criticism of Confucian tradition, the exploration of political corruption and social reform, and the reflection and discussion of human nature.
The Thesis of Leo Tolstoy
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2024-09-11 20:29
Tolstoy was a long novel by Tolstoy from Russia and was regarded as a classic in the history of world literature. The novel was set in the 19th century Russian Revolution and reflected the social reality and people's thoughts and feelings of that era by describing the life and mental journey of the protagonist Gauguin. The gist of the work could be understood from the following aspects: 1. Care for human nature: The novel shows the complexity and variety of human nature through Gauguin's story. Gauguin showed different personalities and behaviors in different environments. He had a kind side, but also a selfish and cold side, which reflected the variety and contradiction of the Russians of that era. 2. Thoughts on religion: Gauguin, the character in the novel, was a devout Christian. He had a deep thought about religion in the process of seeking truth and self-transcendence. He questioned the Christian assumption that humans had free will and the ability to think independently. 3. Attention to social problems: Through Gauguin's story, the novel reflects some problems in Russian society at that time, such as the division of rich and poor, class contradictions, revolution and war. Gauguin also encountered many difficulties and setbacks in his own life, but he always firmly pursued truth and freedom, which reflected his concern and thinking about social problems. Tolstoy was a novel full of philosophy and ideology. Through in-depth character description and reflection on social reality, it reflected the characteristics and appearance of Russian society and culture in that era, which had a profound impact on later literature and art.
The Ordinary World Thesis
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2024-09-14 08:58
The Ordinary World is China. It tells the life experience of an ordinary person in rural China from youth to old age. The novel is regarded as a classic of Chinese literature. It has profound thoughts on the meaning of life, human nature and social issues. The following are some of the topics related to The Ordinary World: 1. The reflection and discussion of the novel Ordinary World on the reality of Chinese society. The novel depicted the life, social background and interpersonal relationships in rural China, which had a certain reference value in revealing the current situation and problems of Chinese society. 2. Thoughts on human nature and social issues in the novel Ordinary World. The characters in the novel all have distinct personalities and characteristics. They show different human nature and emotions in the face of setbacks and difficulties in life, thus exploring the variety of human nature and various social problems. 3. Thoughts on the meaning and values of life in the novel Ordinary World. Through the protagonist's life experience, the novel explored the meaning and value of life, including the meaning of life, the goal of life, the path of life, etc., which had a certain enlightenment effect on people's thinking and behavior. The development and influence of the novel Ordinary World on Chinese literature. The novel is regarded as a classic of Chinese literature, and it has a certain influence and contribution to the development and prosperity of Chinese literature. The revelation and influence of the novel "Ordinary World" on contemporary readers. The novel has profound life thinking and cultural implications. The readers can feel the meaning and value of life through reading the novel, and it will have certain enlightenment and help for their own life and future.
The Bridge's Main Thesis
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2024-09-15 05:18
The Bridge was a contemporary Chinese novel that mainly talked about the changes and challenges of a village in the process of urban development. The gist of the novel could be summarized as follows: 1. The village's modernisation in the process of urban development: The novel expressed the necessity and possibility of rural modernisation by depicting the sacrifice and tragedy of the protagonist's father in the process of urban development. At the same time, the novel also discussed the conflicts and contradictions between the urban and rural areas, as well as the survival and development of human beings in the process of civilization. 2. Human nature and fate: The novel shows the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of fate through the story of the protagonist. The protagonists have experienced the change from nature and innocence to utilitarianness and impetuousness, and they are also faced with the choice and dilemma between urban development and rural development. The novel explored the problems of social change and human survival through the fate of human beings and the process of urban development. 3. Family, kinship, and friendship: The novel emphasized the importance of family, kinship, and friendship through the protagonist's story. Although the protagonists have experienced many setbacks and difficulties, they still stick to their promises to their families and friendships, showing the warmth and perseverance of human beings. The Bridge is a novel about the changes and challenges of human society, humanity and destiny, family and friendship. It also calls for people to pay attention to and think about the future.
On Shen Congwen's Thesis
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2024-09-18 01:14
Shen Congwen (1892 - 1988) was a modern Chinese scholar, archaeologist, cultural critic, and one of the important representatives of modern Chinese literature. Shen Congwen's works were known for their unique style and profound thoughts. They mainly involved novels, essays, essays, and other literary styles involving history, culture, society, human nature, and many other aspects. Shen Congwen's representative works included "Border Town,""Dragon Whip Shadow,""Long River," etc."Border Town" was regarded as a classic of modern Chinese literature. It depicted a beautiful ancient town and a touching frontier legend, which profoundly revealed the relationship between human nature, nature and history. Shen Congwen's research fields included novels, essays, archaeology, cultural studies, and many other aspects. Some of his works and remarks were also adapted into movies, television dramas, stage plays, and other forms, which were very popular. Shen Congwen was one of the outstanding representatives in the field of modern Chinese literature and culture. His thoughts and works had a profound impact on the development of Chinese literature and culture.
The Main Thesis of the Essay of the Society Play
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2024-08-28 02:06
" She Xi " was a novel set in a rural society in China. It mainly narrated the stories of various characters in a village in the history and social changes. It explored the traditional Chinese culture, the current situation of rural society, and the changes in modern society. The social opera played an important role in Chinese culture. It was one of the important components of Chinese traditional culture. It represented the values of "harmony, coordination and balance" in Chinese traditional culture. At the same time, the novel also reflected the various problems of China's rural society, such as poverty, education, medical care, etc. Therefore,"She Xi" was regarded as a novel that reflected the Chinese rural society and also a work that pondered the relationship between Chinese traditional culture and modern society.
An Analysis of the Thesis of A Madman's Diary
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2024-09-01 06:56
A Madman's Diary was a philosophical novel written by the 19th century German philosopher, Hegel. It was regarded as one of the most important works in the history of Western philosophy. Through the confession of the protagonist, the madman, the novel revealed the various ills of European society and the distortion of human nature at that time. The following is an analysis of the main theme of A Madman's Diary: 1 revealed the shortcomings of European society and the distortion of human nature at that time. The madman in the novel revealed the various ills of European society at that time, such as religious oppression, feudalism, class opposition, etc., and also showed the distortions in human nature, such as mania, hallucinations, etc. 2. The importance of self-awareness. Through the awakening of self-awareness, the madman in the novel realized the contradiction and unfair treatment between himself and society, and tried to get rid of the shackles of society to achieve self-liberation. This emphasis on self-awareness had a profound impact on the development of modern trends of thought. 3. The nature of power and the limitation of power. The dialogue between the madman in the novel and the protagonist, Hegel, explored the nature and limitations of power. Hegel believed that power was a kind of mandatory force that could promote social progress, but it could also bring about social distortions and unfair treatment. Eccentric, on the other hand, expressed his desire for power and his restrictions on it. The main purpose of Diary of a Madman was to reveal the drawbacks of European society and the distortion of human nature at that time, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and exploring the nature and limitations of power. The influence of this idea is still far-reaching.
The Function and Requirement of the Thesis of the Practical-Writing
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2024-09-11 14:21
The gist of practical writing is the core content of the article, and it usually plays a vital role in the soul of the article. Its function was usually to summarize the main content of the article, highlight the key points of the article, reveal the meaning of the article, summarize the structure of the article, and guide the reader in reading direction. The writing requirements for practical essays were usually: 1. Accurately summarize the main idea of the article. The gist of practical writing should be accurate, concise, and comprehensive. 2. highlight the key points of the article. The main idea of practical writing needs to highlight the key content of the article to attract the attention and resonance of the readers. 3. Clear. The main idea of practical writing should be expressed in clear language and avoid using overly obscure terms or expressions so that readers can understand it easily. 4. The main idea of practical writing should be logically coherent with the other content of the article to form a complete article structure to make the article more convincing and readable.
Narrated Prose with Family Affection as the Thesis
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2024-09-19 09:29
Kinship was one of the most primitive and sincere emotions of human beings. Its existence was crucial in the family, society, and culture. At the family level, kinship was a kind of selfless love. Parents 'love for their children and the mutual support between brothers and sisters were all manifestations of kinship. The selflessness of kinship and the lack of repayment made it the most precious existence among human emotions. At the societal level, kinship was also an important cultural factor. Many literary works, movies, and television programs showed the importance of family ties. For example, in "Dream of the Red Chamber","Jia Baoyu missed his mother and sister after losing his memory", and the kinship between Sun Wukong and his master in "Journey to the West" showed us the role of kinship in society. Family ties were also an important cultural value. In traditional Chinese culture, the emphasis on filial piety culture, that is, parents should not travel far, and so on, all reflected the importance of kinship in culture. Kinship is a deep and precious emotion that will always accompany us no matter where we are.
The Connection and the Different between the Matrix of Literature and the Thesis
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2024-09-04 06:32
The matrix in literature usually refers to the overall framework or structure of a literary work, and the theme is the specific elements or emotions contained in the matrix. There is a close relationship between the matrix and the theme. The matrix of a literary work determines the content and style of the work, while the theme is the core idea or emotion that the work wants to express. For example, a novel's parent story might be a family story, and the main theme might be to reveal the contradictions and conflicts in the family's history. However, there was also a clear difference between the matrix and the theme. The matrix is the overall framework or structure of a literary work, and the theme is the specific elements or emotions within. The theme of a literary work may appear in the work, but it does not necessarily represent the matrix. For example, a novel may have a love theme but its parent story may be a historical story or a problem about social reality. The matrix and theme of literature are both important components of a literary work. There are close connections and differences between the two.