Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was a Japanese manga created by Araki Hiko. It had also been adapted into animation, movies, and many other forms. The following is a list of Jojo's Amazing Adventures 'viewing order and subtitles:
1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. The Fourth World
The First Part: Dio
The Second Part: Jojo's World
5. The Third Part: The Jostar Family
The Fifth Part: The Sea of Stones
7. The Sixth Part: The Eyes of Heaven
Chapter 8: The Seventh Part: Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
Chapter 9:OJO's Bizarre Adventure: The Golden Star
Chapter 10: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Legend of DIO
1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
3 Golden Wind
4. The Rock
The Heaven's End
In Un'altra Vita
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Legend of DIO
, I recommend the following two novels to you: The Heavens Starting from Jojo and The Power of the Galaxy Returning from Marvel. These two light novels contained Jojo's wonderful adventures, and the fifth and sixth novels were also part of them. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
The complex and imaginative plot is also a big draw. It combines elements of action, adventure, and the supernatural in a really engaging way. There are always new challenges and enemies for the protagonists to face, like the various Stand users with their different powers.