

It would be even better if there were philosophical jokes or sarcastic jokes!
1 answer
2024-09-19 17:22
An example of a long joke is as follows: A bird flew into an orchard and saw a sheep lying on the ground, so he asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the apples," answered the sheep."They haven't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you bite the grass?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They're much tastier than grass!" An example of a philosophical joke was as follows: A man ran to the church and asked God,"why did I do bad things?" God replied,"Because your desires are evil." The man replied,"Then what desire do I have if I don't do bad things?" God said,"No." The man asked again,"What should I do?" God replied,"You can try to do something good to offset your desire." An example of a sarcastic joke was as follows: A man went to a bar and got drunk. His friend was very worried about him, so he called him to ask about him. The man replied,"I don't know who I am anymore. I only remember that I was in a bar and I drank a lot of wine." His friend asked,"What should you do now?" The man replied,"Then I'll go to that bar and see if I can get drunk there!"
Collect jokes, who gives funny jokes, and more. The points are his ~~~
1 answer
2024-09-17 23:41
I can give you some websites and resources to collect jokes. Here are some good choices: Reddit:Reddit's r/jokes subforum is a community full of funny jokes covering a variety of topics and styles. 2 Laugh Factory: This website has a special "joke library" that contains a large number of jokes and jokes. 3 Comedy Central: The "Comedy Soundtrack" section of the website is a channel full of humorous and funny content, including many jokes and short comedies. Jokescccom: This site covers all kinds of jokes, including pranks, children's jokes, brain teasers, etc. 5 Funny or Die: The content of this website is very funny, including many jokes, pranks and short comedies. The site is a social network that focuses on jokes and humorous content. Users can post and reply to jokes to gain happiness. The above websites and resources can allow you to collect a lot of funny jokes. I hope you will like them!
Are there any funny jokes?
1 answer
2024-09-12 20:15
The following were all funny jokes: A bird flew into an orchard and saw a sheep lying on the ground, so he asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the apples," answered the sheep."They haven't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you bite the grass?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They're much tastier than grass!" 2 went to a bar alone and got drunk. His friend was very worried about him and decided to help him go home. When they arrived at his house, his friends tried to help him to the door, but the man kept crying,"Don't take me back to the zoo!" "Why are you going to the zoo?" His friend asked in surprise. The man replied,"Didn't I tell you? I'm dead drunk. You take him back to the zoo so I can go see lions and tigers!" A man was trapped on an island. He caught a bird and a rabbit and prepared to cook them into a delicious meal. He asked the rabbit,"What do you want to eat?" "I want to eat carrots," the rabbit replied. He asked the bird,"What do you want to eat?" The bird replied,"I want to eat rabbits." The man immediately let go of the rabbit and the bird flew away. The man was very angry and asked the rabbit,"why did you fly away?" The rabbit replied,"I wanted to eat carrots, so I went to look for it."
100 classic cold jokes!
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2024-09-14 15:00
Why do barefoot people hate walking on carpets? Because they were afraid to step on my footprints. What animal likes to sleep the most? Answer: Snail. Why can't pigs go online? Because they were always scared by the bears on the Internet. What kind of fruit can't be bought? The answer was bananas. Why do some people like to play computer games with gloves on? Because they liked to massage on the keyboard. 6. Which fish is the laziest? The answer was fish roe. Why don't ducks have the habit of taking the bus? Because they liked to fly. What color is an animal's nightmare? Answer: Black and white. Why do some people like to read in the toilet? Because they enjoyed the reading experience on the toilet bowl. Why do some people like to ride motorcycles and wear raincoats? Because they liked to get wet.
Collect a few jokes
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2024-09-15 16:53
A joke is a humorous expression often used to make fun of others or to make them laugh. A joke could also refer to something funny. If you want to collect a few jokes, you can search for joke resources on the Internet or write some jokes yourself to share. However, please be careful to use civilized language and not use insulting language or jokes that cause others to feel uncomfortable.
Collect humorous jokes
1 answer
2024-09-17 00:48
When you are faced with a constantly updated worldview and a powerful creative online world, every day may be an opportunity for a new story to begin. Here are some humorous jokes from the online world that I hope can help you start a new story: 1 " Why are all the videos on the Internet like this?" someone asked. 2 "How hard is it to find a cute key person on the Internet?" someone answered. 3 "When can we make the characters on the Internet have real meaning?" someone asked. 4 " If I can get all the videos on the Internet, we can build a world." someone said. 5 " Are key people on the Internet usually like this?" someone asked. "Why are advertisements on the Internet always like this?" someone asked. 7 " If I can gamble on the Internet, we can gamble the world." someone said. "Why is the news on the Internet always like this?" someone asked. If I can train myself on the Internet, we can become better people." someone said. 10 "Why is the connection on the Internet always like this?" someone asked. In general, the Internet was an environment full of possibilities and meaning, but it was also full of constantly updated technology and creativity. I hope these humorous stories can help you start a new story and let you have a good time in the online world!
Some ancient jokes
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2024-09-09 06:53
The following are some ancient jokes: The mountain has trees, the trees have branches, and the heart delights you, but you don't know it. Song of the Yue People Don't you see that the Yellow River flows from heaven to the sea and never returns? Climbing High 3. In the green garden the sunflowers wait for the morning dew to dry. "Farewell to the ancient grass" 4. The white hair is three thousand feet long, and the sorrow seems to be long. I don't know where the autumn frost can be found in the mirror. Sapphire Case: Yuan Xi In the old days, swallows flew into the homes of ordinary people in front of Wang Xie's hall. Swallow Tower Don't you see the bright mirror in the high hall grieve for the white hair in the morning, like the black hair turning into snow in the evening? "Drink Up" The spring breeze is green again. When will the bright moon shine on me again? "Moored Boat in Guazhou" Have you not seen the sound of ten thousand households pounding their clothes in Chang 'an? "Autumn Night is about to break, and I feel the coolness outside the fence door." The youth did not see Chang 'an, but now he sees Chang' an and does not see me. Chang 'an Ancient Meaning Don't you see that the Yellow River flows from heaven to the sea and never returns? Climbing High
100 classic humorous jokes
1 answer
2024-09-11 17:31
I have a very, very long story. The beginning of the story is wonderful, and the ending of the story is sad. One day, Tang Sanzang and his disciples decided to go to the Western Heaven to get the scriptures. Sun Wukong said,"Master, we have to take four disciples with us." "My fourth disciple is Sha Wujing," Tang Sanzang sighed. The grass would fall in the direction the wind blew. Once, the teacher asked him,"Why did you do so badly?" He replied,"I don't know why my pen seems to talk." A parrot walked into a bar and sat down at the bar counter. The bar owner saw it and asked the parrot,"Can you talk?" "Of course!" replied the parrot. The bar owner asked,"What would you say?" The parrot replied,"I can say many things, such as hello, goodbye, and many other things." "Can you tell me your name?" the bar owner asked in surprise. "Of course not," replied the parrot. My name is Parrot." There is a man whose head is bigger than a donkey. How can he sell things? He showed his head to others and they asked him,"How can you sell things with such a big head?" The man replied,"I can show people the donkey's head and they will believe that my head is bigger than the donkey's." A bird flew to the high-voltage power line. Another bird flew and said,"Are you okay?" The bird replied,"It's okay. I'm insulated." A fish asked another fish,"Why do you always stay on the water?" "Because I'm a water fish," answered the other fish. A bear walked to the door of a shop and threw the stick in his hand into the glass door of the shop. Then the bear walked into the shop and threw the stick on the clerk's desk again. The clerk asked the bear,"What are you doing?" "Give me a cigarette," said the bear. "Guess what color I like best?" "I don't know." " I like blue because blue represents melancholy." A parrot walked into a bar and sat down at the bar counter. The bar owner saw it and asked the parrot,"Can you talk?" "Of course!" replied the parrot. The bar owner asked,"What would you say?" "Hello," replied the parrot."Goodbye and a lot more." "Can you tell me your name?" the bar owner asked in surprise. "Of course not," replied the parrot. My name is Parrot."
Send a few jokes
1 answer
2024-09-17 19:57
An example of a joke was as follows: A hunter brought a wolf and a rabbit to hunt. The wolf ran away first, and the rabbit followed closely behind. At last, the wolf ran away again. The rabbit was angry and said,"you gave up so easily. I'll run with you!" So the rabbit continued to chase, but the wolf had already run away. At last, the rabbit finally ran home. The wolf sat at home and waited for the rabbit. 2 Someone went to the interviewer and asked him,"What are your strengths?" The man replied,"I have many specialties. For example, I can sing, dance, draw, write, and repair all kinds of electrical appliances and furniture." The interviewer asked,"What else are you good at?" "I can also make furniture," the man replied. The interviewer hired him after listening to him. A man was waiting in line at the bank to withdraw money when he saw a man dancing in front of the counter. The man asked the bank clerk curiously,"Why didn't you kick him out?" The bank clerk replied,"We can't kick him out because he's our new ATM."
Ask for a lot of jokes
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2024-09-18 00:23
What kind of joke would you like to hear?