
tha alpha's addiction

Internet Addiction
1 answer
2024-09-17 07:13
The causes of Internet addiction are complicated and may involve a combination of many factors. Here are some of the factors that can lead to internet addiction: 1. Social isolation: Long-term isolation in the online world, unable to communicate and interact face to face with friends and family, may lead to loneliness and social isolation, which in turn increases the time and frequency of using the Internet. 2. Unchallenging tasks: In the online world, people may encounter many enjoyable tasks and challenges such as games, social media, videos, social media, etc. If these tasks are not challenging enough, people may feel bored and lose interest, thus increasing the time and frequency of using the Internet. 3. Pressure and anxiety: People may seek comfort and relieve stress on the Internet, such as through social media, games, videos, etc. If these methods cannot relieve stress, people may turn to the Internet to escape the stress of reality. 4. Lacking goals and motivation: If people lack clear goals and motivation, they may feel confused and helpless, which will increase the time and frequency of using the Internet. Bad study habits: If people do not have good time management and study habits, they may overuse the Internet to save time and improve efficiency. 6 environmental factors: For example, family members 'restrictions on Internet use, school restrictions on Internet use, etc. may also lead to Internet addiction. There are many causes of Internet addiction. We need to consider these factors and take comprehensive measures to prevent and alleviate the problem of Internet addiction.
Is there a second part of Addiction? When will the second season of Addiction 2 be broadcast?
1 answer
2024-09-11 05:52
Addiction 2 has not been officially announced, so it is impossible to determine if there will be a second one. Addiction is a very popular novel, and its plot is very popular with readers. If the reader is already addicted to reading, I suggest you continue reading and explore more storylines and characters.
How to get rid of novel addiction, procrastination, and cell phone addiction
1 answer
2024-08-13 14:56
To get rid of novel addiction and procrastination, you can refer to the following suggestions: Make a plan: Make a detailed plan, list the tasks and goals that need to be completed every day, and ensure that you can control your time in an orderly manner and gradually realize your plan. 2. Prioritize: Prioritize tasks by completing the most important tasks first to ensure that you have enough time to complete other tasks. 3. Build self-discipline: Overcome procrastination by building self-discipline. For example, setting a goal to give himself a small reward after completing the mission to motivate himself to continue moving forward. 4. Reduce interference: Reduce the intake of cell phones and other interfering factors. Silence or turn off your phone to avoid being disturbed by social media or other messages. Find support: Find someone who supports you such as a friend, family member, or psychiatrist to share your problems and listen to their advice and support. Learn to Relax: Learn to relax yourself, such as through meditation, exercise, or reading to relieve stress and anxiety. It took patience and perseverance to get rid of novel addiction and procrastination. By making plans, setting priorities, reducing distractions, finding support, and learning to relax, you can gradually overcome these problems and become more self-disciplined and confident.
Ask for the scoring method and score explanation of Young's Internet Addiction Scale or Chen Shuhui's Chinese Internet Addiction Scale
1 answer
2024-09-13 12:05
I can't provide you with the scoring method and explanation of the Young Internet Addiction Scale or Chen Shuhui's Chinese Internet Addiction Scale because these scales have not been publicly released and have not been widely recognized and studied. Internet addiction is a complex problem. Many factors can affect the degree of addiction. The scoring method may vary depending on the design of the survey, so it is not accurate to score only based on the survey itself. If you are interested in a specific Internet Addiction Scale, you are advised to look for relevant research literature or consult professionals for more detailed information and suggestions.
Addiction to web novels?
1 answer
2024-08-24 03:02
The addiction to online novels had always been a controversial topic. Some people are addicted to online novels and spend a lot of time and money, while others can control their reading behavior and get pleasure from reading. Some studies suggest that addiction to online novels may be related to the following factors: 1. The stimulation of the reading material: web novels usually have highly stimulating content, including a large number of plot, emotional and adventure elements, which can attract the reader's attention. 2. Social factors: Online novels often provide communication and interaction between readers, such as likes, comments, and shares. These social factors may increase reader participation and satisfaction. 3. Time allocation: Reading online novels may take up a lot of time, which may cause readers to spend less time on other tasks. 4. Self-control of reading behavior: Some readers may be able to restrict their reading behavior through self-control while others cannot. We should take positive measures to reduce the negative effects of the addiction to online novels. For example, setting a reasonable reading time limit, providing positive reading feedback, establishing a healthy reading Social networks, and encouraging readers to develop other beneficial hobbies.
Addiction to web novels?
1 answer
2024-08-27 15:44
Addiction to online novels was a very common problem, especially in modern life. Many people liked to read online novels to relax their bodies and minds. However, excessive addiction to online novels may have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Online novels often contain a lot of inappropriate content such as sex, violence, and gore, which may have a negative impact on teenagers, causing them to have psychological discomfort and sexual impulses. In addition, excessive indulgence in online novels may affect their daily lives, resulting in lack of exercise, lack of sleep, and other adverse effects on their health. If you find yourself addicted to online novels, it is recommended that you take immediate action to control your reading time and avoid reading too many novels. At the same time, you can seek professional help such as consulting a psychiatrist or addiction treatment center. In addition, he could also strengthen his exercise in his daily life and maintain good habits to help alleviate his addiction to online novels.
Words to describe addiction
1 answer
2024-09-12 03:43
There are many words to describe addiction, such as infatuation, addiction, fanaticism, obsession, infatuation with certain activities or things, etc.
The dangers of sugar addiction
1 answer
2024-09-12 17:07
Addictions to sugar can cause serious harm to physical and mental health. Too much sugar intake will cause the blood sugar level to rise and fall rapidly, causing the body's blood sugar to fluctuate. Long-term fluctuations in blood sugar can cause the body to develop hormone resistance, making the body unable to effectively use blood sugar, leading to abnormal sugar metabolism and diabetes. Addictions to sugar can also have adverse effects on heart health. A diet high in sugar increases the risk of heart disease because sugar is transported to the heart by the blood to increase the concentration of fat and fat in the blood vessels. Too much fat and fat increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Addictions to sugar can also have adverse effects on the digestive system. High-sugar diet can cause indigestion, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, and other problems. In the long run, it may also lead to digestive diseases. Addictions to sugar can also have adverse effects on eye health. The intake of sugar will cause the accumulation of sugar in the retina of the eye, which will lead to maculopathy and affect vision. In summary, sugar addiction can cause serious harm to physical and mental health. In order to maintain physical and mental health, we should limit the intake of sugar, maintain a balanced diet, do more physical exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Are there any novels that are similar to Yu Shishi's love addiction?
1 answer
2024-09-11 14:54
😋I know the type of novels you like, so I recommend "The First Favorite Marriage in History" and "Sir, I'm Already in Love with You." Both novels are modern romance novels. They are warm, sweet, and full of love. I hope you like my recommendation, Mwah ~😗
How to quit the novel addiction
1 answer
2024-08-18 04:58
Addiction to novels is an unhealthy habit that can negatively affect one's life and personal health. There are a few ways to kick your novel addiction: 1. Make a plan: Make a clear plan, list the tasks and goals to be completed, such as reading a certain amount of books every day or watching a movie every week. This would help him maintain self-discipline and a regular lifestyle. 2. Setting Restrictions: Setting some restrictions such as only reading novels or only reading certain types of books. This way, he could avoid being overly engrossed in the novel and also keep himself focused. 3. Find substitutes: Find some other substitutes such as sports, studies, social activities, etc. These activities could help divert his attention and enhance his physical and mental health. 4. Find support: Find people who support you, such as friends, family, or a professional psychiatrist. These people could help him share his feelings and difficulties, but they could also provide support and encouragement. 5. Control usage time: Control the time you use the novel, such as avoiding reading novels during work or study time. This way, he could avoid overusing his time and reduce the effects of his novel addiction. It took a certain amount of effort and self-discipline to kick the addiction to novels. By making plans, setting limits, finding substitutes, finding support, and controlling the time spent on novels, he could gradually get rid of the effects of his novel addiction and have a healthier lifestyle.