Feminist ghost stories contribute by providing a new narrative space. They allow for the exploration of women's experiences that are often overlooked or silenced. By using the supernatural element of ghosts, they can make bold statements about gender inequality. For example, a story about a female ghost who was mistreated in life can raise awareness about how women have been treated in society.
They contribute in multiple ways. Firstly, they provide role models. Characters in feminist fiction who are strong and fight for their rights inspire real - life women. Secondly, they expose the underlying power structures that oppress women. Through stories, the patriarchal systems can be analyzed and criticized. Also, they create a sense of community among women readers who can relate to the experiences in the stories. It's like a shared understanding that can fuel the feminist movement.
Yes, it can be considered a feminist novel as it explores themes related to women's experiences, identities, and struggles for equality and self-assertion.
I think it can be seen as having some feminist elements. The character of Justine, for example, faces injustice and her plight can be analyzed from a feminist perspective.
Rebecca has elements that can be analyzed through a feminist lens. The female characters' experiences and their struggles against traditional expectations contribute to its potential classification as a feminist novel. But it's not a straightforward case and interpretations can vary.