Comice pears usually become ripe around August or September, depending on the growing conditions and region. Good sunlight and proper care during the growing season can also affect the ripening time.
The Comice pear is self-pollinating. But, to optimize fruit production, introducing pollinators or having compatible pear trees nearby can make a significant difference. It's all about maximizing the potential of the orchard.
Comice pears are not known for being strongly resistant to fireblight. However, with good agricultural practices like proper pruning, disease monitoring, and timely treatment, the impact of fireblight can be managed to some extent.
The readiness of Comice pears for picking varies. Generally, it's in the fall. Factors like temperature, sunlight, and soil quality can influence the exact timing. Usually, you'll know they're ready when they have a certain color, firmness, and flavor.