In some traditional stories, spanking might be seen as a form of discipline. However, in modern views, it is a controversial approach. While some may argue that in the past it was a way to teach children right from wrong quickly, it often has negative impacts on children's mental health.
Well, it's really hard to find positive aspects. Spanking can cause fear and anxiety in children. Boys and girls may become withdrawn or rebellious instead of learning good behavior. So, in most cases in these stories, it represents an old - fashioned and not - so - great way of dealing with kids.
There could potentially be a perception that in some of these stories, spanking by women was a way to enforce family rules or social norms in the context of the story's time period. But overall, from a modern psychological and child - development perspective, it is more likely to be seen as harmful. Physical punishment can damage the self - esteem of both boys and girls and may lead to long - term emotional problems.