It could mean they're not ready to respond to your message but still interested in your life. Maybe they don't know what to say or are in a situation where they can't reply at the moment but still like to keep up with what you're doing through your stories.
It could mean that they're not ready to reply yet but are still interested in what you're up to. Maybe they don't know how to respond at the moment or they want to take their time thinking about what to say.
It could mean they're not ready to respond but still interested in what you're up to. Maybe they don't know what to say yet.
It could mean they're still interested in your life but don't want direct interaction. Maybe they're shy or have some unresolved issues. They might enjoy seeing what you're up to without having to engage.
It could mean they're shy or not ready to directly interact. Maybe they're interested in your life but lack the confidence to engage with you personally.
Perhaps they're in a state of indecision. They might have reasons for pulling away, like being busy or having personal issues, but still like to keep tabs on you through your stories.
It could mean they are really interested in you. Maybe they are your close friend, a secret admirer, or just someone who enjoys the content you post.
You could just ignore it. Don't let it bother you too much. Maybe they'll come around and reply later. If you keep being cool about it, it might put less pressure on them and they might be more likely to start a conversation eventually.
It could mean they're still curious about you. Maybe they don't want direct interaction but are interested in what's going on in your life.
It could mean they're still a bit curious about you. Maybe they don't want to fully engage in a conversation or relationship but are interested in what's going on in your life. It's like they want to keep a bit of a connection without actually talking.
There's also a possibility that it's just a habit. They used to be part of your life and watching your stories has become something they do without really thinking much about it. It doesn't necessarily mean they want to get back in touch, but it could also be a sign that there's still some level of interest on their part.