The 'Sanditon Original Story' is centered around the concept of Sanditon as a new and growing seaside destination. It features a diverse cast of characters. The story delves into their lives and their connections to the town. There are stories of ambition, as some characters aim to make Sanditon into a prosperous place. Love also plays a significant role. For instance, a character might be torn between love and duty. Social norms and expectations are prevalent throughout the story, influencing how the characters behave and interact. The town's expansion and the various projects within it also form a major part of the narrative.
The 'Sanditon Original Story' is about the development of a new seaside town. It shows the various characters who come to Sanditon for different reasons, like some for business opportunities and others for a change of scenery. There are romances that develop among the characters, and it also explores the social hierarchies and interactions within the town.