In Reaper's March, the main story revolves around the region's complex politics. You'll encounter different races vying for control. For example, there are often quests where you need to help a particular group against threats from other factions. There are also elements of the supernatural as you uncover long - lost magic and face off against powerful dark forces that are starting to stir in the area. It's a journey full of discovery, battles, and moral choices.
The main story in Reaper's March in Elder Scrolls Online is an epic adventure. You start by getting to know the land, which is filled with lush landscapes but also danger. The story unfolds as you interact with the natives, from the Wood Elves to other races. There are main quests that lead you to discover hidden temples, fight against powerful bosses that are threatening the peace of the region, and also to learn about the ancient prophecies that seem to be coming to fruition. You'll also find yourself in the middle of a web of intrigue as different characters try to use you for their own ends, and you have to decide who to trust in this volatile region.
The main story in Reaper's March of Elder Scrolls Online often involves the player character getting embroiled in local conflicts, dealing with the various factions in the region. There are quests related to power struggles, ancient secrets, and the unique culture of the area.