Let me tell you about a story with a short time frame of just a few minutes. A person is stuck in an elevator. In those few minutes, they experience a range of emotions - fear, claustrophobia, and then hope when they hear the rescue team approaching. The time frame is crucial here as it focuses the story on those intense moments of being trapped. The short time also means the action and the character's internal thoughts are very concentrated, making for a gripping story.
Jojo Moyes' 'Me Before You' could also be considered to have elements of a frame story. The main narrative of Louisa taking care of Will is the central story. But the backstories of both characters, their families, and the social environment around them form a kind of frame. This frame helps to explain why the characters are the way they are and how they got to the point where their stories intersect, and it enriches the understanding of the main story.
Let's say there is a family video that is divided into frames for editing purposes. In frame 10, mom sees her little kid trying to reach for a cookie on the top shelf. In that moment, which is frame 10 (the 'x' frame in this case), mom tickles the kid as a playful way of distracting the child from the cookie. And this becomes the'mom tickled on x frame story' within the family.
Sure. 'I'm not going to that party, end of story.'
He said he got lost in the mall for three hours. A likely story! There are maps everywhere.
He said he missed the train because aliens abducted him. 'Likely story,' she replied sarcastically.
There was a man who, allegedly, could predict the future. Every day, people would gather around him to hear his predictions. But no one really knew if his powers were real or just a hoax. In this case, 'allegedly' makes it clear that the man's ability to predict the future is only a claim.
In story writing, the time frame technique can be used to create different moods. A long - time frame, say several years or decades, can give a sense of epicness and the passage of time. You can show how characters change over this extended period. On the other hand, a short time frame like an hour can build tension as everything has to happen quickly. You can start with a specific time, like 'It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon when...' and then build the story from there.
A 'be time story' might be about a family. In the past, they 'be'longed to a small community and had a simple life. As time progresses, they move to a big city. There, they experience new things, face new problems, and grow as a family. Their story of adapting and changing over time is a 'be time story'.
As I mentioned before, 'priod' might be a wrong spelling. But for 'period end of story', here's an example: 'I'm not going to that party, period end of story'. It shows that the speaker has made a final decision and doesn't want to discuss it further.
Sure. Once upon a time, there was a sunflower. It was a bright day and the sunflower stood tall in the meadow. A bluebird flew overhead. The sunflower's bright - yellow petals were like a welcome sign. The bluebird, with its sharp - beak, landed on a nearby branch. The compound words here are'sunflower', 'bright - yellow' and'sharp - beak'.