In 'Pulp Fiction', Jimmie serves as a link between the seedy criminal underworld and the normal, suburban world. His house becomes a temporary refuge for Vincent and Jules when they are dealing with the aftermath of a violent event. His reactions and interactions with them highlight the clash between his ordinary life and their dangerous, unpredictable lifestyles. He's constantly trying to get them to resolve their issues quickly and get out of his life, but he's also dragged into their mess to an extent.
Jimmie plays the role of a friend who gets involved in an unexpected and difficult situation. He helps Jules and Vincent when they need a place to hide something.
Jimmie's role in 'Pulp Fiction' is that of an unexpected helper. He's a civilian friend of the main characters. When they have a problem, like the blood - filled car situation, they turn to him. He reluctantly gets involved, showing the way normal people can get sucked into the chaotic world of the movie's underworld. He also provides some comical relief with his reactions to the absurdity of what's going on around him.
It could be a date that marks the beginning of a chain of events. For example, it might be the year when a feud between two families started in the pulp fiction world.
If the 'chick' is Mia Wallace, she plays a role that is both alluring and dangerous. She is a woman in a world of crime bosses and hitmen.
The fixer in 'Pulp Fiction' plays the role of problem - solver. He cleans up the difficult situations that the main characters get into.
Since there's no clear Eric in Pulp Fiction as far as I know, he doesn't play any role.
I'm not sure it has a major role. It's probably just part of the scenery to make the setting more realistic.
The Wolf plays a problem - solver role. He comes in to sort out the mess that Vincent and Jules are in.
Jackson plays a hitman in Pulp Fiction.
Fabienne plays the role of a friend and accomplice in the world of 'Pulp Fiction'. She's involved in the events and interactions that take place among the main characters.