Joke: What's brown and sticky? A stick. Riddle: What has a head and a tail but no body? A coin. Funny story: There was a man who was driving down the road. He saw a sign that said 'Talking Dog for Sale'. He stopped and asked the owner how much. The owner said $10. The man was really surprised and said, 'Why so cheap?' The owner said, 'Well, just listen to him.' So the man asked the dog, 'What's your story?' The dog said, 'Well, I used to be a search and rescue dog. I've saved over 50 lives. I also worked at the airport sniffing out drugs. I've caught a lot of bad guys.' The man was really impressed and said, 'So why are you for sale?' The dog said, 'Because I'm a liar.'
Sure! Here's a joke: Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. A riddle for you: I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? (Fire). And a funny story. A little boy was asked by his teacher, 'Johnny, what is your problem?' Johnny replied, 'I'm too smart for the first grade. My sister is in the third grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third grade too!' The teacher had had enough. She took Johnny to the principal's office. The principal decided to test Johnny. He asked Johnny some questions and Johnny aced them all. The principal told the teacher to put Johnny in the third grade immediately. The teacher said to the principal, 'Let me ask him some questions first.' The principal and Johnny both agreed. The teacher asked, 'What is 3 x 3?' Johnny answered, '9'. The teacher asked, 'What is 6 x 6?' Johnny answered, '36'. And so on. After asking several questions, the teacher finally asked, 'What is the capital of Arkansas?' Johnny was stumped. He thought for a while and finally said, 'I don't know.' The teacher turned to the principal and said, 'I think he should stay in the first grade for a while.'
Sure! Here's a joke. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. For a riddle, what has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? A clock. And here's a short story. There was a little mouse who was always afraid of the big cat in the house. One day, it decided to be brave and left a tiny piece of cheese outside the cat's bed. When the cat woke up, it was so confused. The mouse watched from afar and laughed, feeling very clever.
Joke: Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. Riddle: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? A clock. Funny story: A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
Joke: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. Riddle: What goes up but never comes down? Your age. There's a story where a group of ants worked together to carry a huge piece of food back to their nest. They showed great teamwork. Each ant did its part, whether it was pulling or pushing. It was a small but inspiring story about cooperation.
Joke: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. Riddle: What has many keys but can't open a single lock? A piano. Funny story: A guy goes to a psychiatrist. 'Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?' The doctor replies, 'It's very simple. You're two tents.'
Sure. Here's a funny joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. As for a funny story, once a guy thought his cat could talk. He spent days trying to make it say something, but it just meowed. One day, he left his TV on a talk show and when he came back, the cat was sitting in front of it, looking really interested. He said, 'I knew you could understand!'. But the cat just blinked and went back to sleep.
Sure! Here's a joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. Here's a funny story. Once there was a little boy who tried to help his mom make pancakes. He poured in a whole bag of flour and then added eggs until the batter filled the whole bowl. His mom came in and was shocked but they had a great laugh.
Sure. Here's a joke. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. As for a funny story, once there was a little boy who thought his nose was too big. So he went around asking people if they thought his nose was big. Everyone just laughed at his cute concern.
Sure. Here's a joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
A joke for you. I used to be a banker but then I lost interest. And a funny story could be that a man went to the doctor. He said, 'Doctor, every time I drink coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye.' The doctor replied, 'Well, maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup before you drink.'
Sure. Here's a joke. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.