Here's a joke. A priest was walking down the street one day when he noticed a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy was very small and the doorbell was too high for him to reach. After watching the boy's efforts for some time, the priest moved closer to the boy's position. He walked across the street, stepped smartly on to the porch and rang the bell for the boy. Crouching down to the child's level, the priest smiled benevolently and asked, 'And now what, my little man?' To which the boy replied, 'Now we run!'
Sure. Once, during a sermon, the pastor's toupee started to slip a bit. He didn't notice at first, but the congregation was trying hard not to laugh. Eventually, a little kid shouted, 'Pastor, your hair is running away!' and everyone burst out laughing.
Once, during a church service, a little boy was asked to read a passage. He mispronounced so many words that it became a hilarious moment for everyone. Instead of 'hallelujah', he said 'holla - loo - jah' in the cutest way.
Once, a new choir member got so nervous on their first performance day in church. They were supposed to sing soprano but ended up singing tenor for half of the song until they realized their mistake and turned bright red. Everyone in the church had a good laugh, but also gave them a big round of applause for their courage.
Sure. Here's a funny joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. As for a funny story, once a guy thought his cat could talk. He spent days trying to make it say something, but it just meowed. One day, he left his TV on a talk show and when he came back, the cat was sitting in front of it, looking really interested. He said, 'I knew you could understand!'. But the cat just blinked and went back to sleep.
Sure. Here's a joke. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
A joke for you. I used to be a banker but then I lost interest. And a funny story could be that a man went to the doctor. He said, 'Doctor, every time I drink coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye.' The doctor replied, 'Well, maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup before you drink.'
Sure. Here's a joke. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
A funny story for you. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. Well, it's a play on words joke within a story which makes it funny.
Once there was a bear that went to a bar. The bartender asked him what he wanted. The bear said, 'I'll have a gin... and tonic.' The bartender said, 'Sure, but why the big pause?' The bear replied, 'I don't know. I've always had them.'
Here is a story. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store. Well, it was a small joke within the story. Another one is, a guy goes to the doctor. He says, 'Doctor, I keep seeing spots in front of my eyes.' The doctor replies, 'Have you seen a doctor?' And the guy says, 'No, just spots.'