The lyrics can vary depending on the version. You could try looking on popular music lyric aggregators or checking the artist's official website for the accurate lyrics.
I'm not sure exactly, but you might be able to find them on some lyrics websites or by doing a detailed search on music platforms.
I don't have the specific lyrics in mind. Maybe try searching on YouTube and looking in the video description, or search on dedicated lyric-finding apps. Sometimes fans also post the lyrics in the comments section.
Maybe B Reith has read the entire story or got some spoilers from others.
The meaning of those lyrics could be about seeking an understanding of how a story concludes, whether it's a personal experience, a fictional plot, or a broader life journey. It might touch on themes of closure, fate, or the unexpected.
I'm not sure exactly. You might want to check some lyric websites or music platforms to find out.
Sorry, I don't know the specific lyrics. You might find them by searching on reliable music lyric websites.
I'm not sure. You might want to check on some music lyric websites or apps.
Sorry, I don't know the specific lyrics off the top of my head.
I'm not sure of the exact lyrics. You might want to search on music platforms or lyric websites for accurate and complete lyrics.
I'm not sure. You might want to search on specific lyric websites or music platforms.
I don't have the specific lyrics of 'When the Story Ends' by Poppy off the top of my head. Your best bet is to look on music streaming services or music lyric databases. They usually have the most up-to-date and correct lyrics.
Sorry, I can't recall the specific lyrics of that song right now. But you could easily find them by doing a quick online search or checking music apps that provide song lyrics.