Well, Drew Seeley was likely 25 during his role in Cinderella Story. You can check his exact birthdate and the release year of the movie for more precise info.
Drew Seeley was approximately 25 years old when he appeared in Cinderella Story. This was based on his birthdate and the year the movie was made.
Drew Seeley was in his mid-twenties when he was in A Cinderella Story. His age at that time added to his charm and performance in the film.
I think you'd have to look up his birthdate and calculate based on the release year of the movie. Maybe do a quick search online and you'll get the answer.
Drew Seeley was born on April 30, 1982. As of now, in 2024, he is 42 years old.
The main characters include the Cinderella - like character, usually played by a female lead, and Drew Seeley as the male lead. There are also the typical 'villain' characters like the mean step - sisters.
Drew Seeley played a significant role in Another Cinderella Story. He was charming and his performance added to the overall appeal of the movie. His character had great chemistry with the female lead, which made their on - screen relationship quite engaging.
His character was charming.
Well, to know Drew's age in Another Cinderella Story, you'd need to refer to specific information provided within the movie or perhaps some behind-the-scenes interviews. But off the top of my head, I can't recall.
I think it's a fun and charming movie. The story is a modern take on the Cinderella tale, and Drew Seeley's performance adds to its appeal. The music and dance scenes are quite engaging, making it an enjoyable watch for those who like romantic comedies.
I don't have the specific age for you. You could try checking film databases or fan forums dedicated to the movie for that detail.
I don't have the specific ages off the top of my head. Maybe you could look for it in the movie's credits or on reliable entertainment websites.